mm2 and memory

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I tried the solutions of John Kelly. Doing install of Directx , Codecs,
media player. this seemed to help out, plus changed page file to 1024 - 2048.

I may have stumbled onto something else.
I turned my anti-virus software from the system tray,
then used task manager to turn off 2 more modules to it.

Then I went and manually started anti-virus through start/programs.

Went back to task manager. the memory usage went from about 92 megs
available to 126. Will post more as I test this scenario.

For heavens sake man...what are you doing????? Its a racing certainty that if
you carry on like that, or if this is your normal approach then nothing will
EVER run properly on your computer.

Your actions with the antivirus will have almost certainly screwed it up big
time...YOU CANNOT do things like that, for example what have you done about the
now broken tree links within the process's you have just killed.

I have to say looks to me as though you have been reading far to much
of the "advice" on Papajohns site. If you do not know, he was recently put in a
corner where he had to admit he did not understand the advice one user had
taken from his website...papajohn just copies stuff, often without
understanding it...but it does make the site "look" good.

Why you went to task manager in the first place is beyond me.

If you know how, please put your computer back into the state it was in, and
then state what the problem actually is.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Hey ...:)
Ok the prob was mm2 would lock up machine with any file larger than about 2
MB, all the file was was a wav file being converted to a wma, so our
listeners could enjoy them from the web site. Its funny because back in mid
december, I did one of the files at 32kbs, took a break, came back to do the
other file, and MM2 locks up machine.and so does media player, 5 mins
prior they worked great. Each of those file, and all the ones before were all
in the range of 5 - 9 MB after the compile was done on them.

So I end up here. Do a complet re-install of XP home. Get latest vid driver,
try Pappas stuff first , no go. Try your approach, machine is a lot more
stable, but still movie maker and mm2 would lock up after about 30 sec into
compile time for mm2 or about 2 mins for media player.

So I really bump up the page file. And after viewing task manager, I see the
mem usage. Not much physical left. So .... lets turn off virus program, lets
see the results ... wam more mem available, now lets turn virus scan back on,
still have more mem available than if I had just let it load at bot time. So,
my thoughts are, not to have virus program load at boot, but initiate
afterwards. HAvent tried a compile yet, but I have been able to watch a 28
min video without media player crashing, next to see what happen with mm2.

Hope I explained it a little better.
Hello there,

Yes, I see where you are now.

The video driver...did you get it from Microsoft or perhaps NVidia???? if
yes...go to the website of the company that actually made your graphics card.
If your card is anything above normal quality you will very likely find a
driver specific to that of my cards is like that...the Windows and
Nvidia drivers cause all sorts of problems with directx playback.

If turning off the AV program improves performance to a noticeable extent then
you have a more serious problem elsewhere. It might be a mis-configuration of
reserved memory (such as having a graphics card that requires some of the
system RAM to perform properly) What ever it is, It would be quite hard
tracking that one down.

For myself...if the AV is one of the better known brands..Symantec or Mcaffe
and it has that effect I would without hesitation wipe the hard drive and
re-install XP etc etc (Having first made certain that I have the latest drivers
for all of my devices of course) As each software package installs I would be
watching carefully for any "report" of a problem and not proceed further until
that problem was fully dealt with...I have seen a number of times "experts"
leaving the error until after everything is installed saying they will fix it
later and then when they can not find the error again make the remark that the
error report must have been bad...what has actually happened is that the error
is now buried so deep that no will ever find it

I can't remember what RAM you have but so long as it is more than the
recommended minimum you should be all right. If I did not say before (and this
one is unlikely but it happened to me) remove the sticks carefully and put them
back in a different order. I had one hell of a game with the ram on one of my
machines...there were three 512MB sticks....and only when running a server for
a database system would I get this problem with a memory error at a high block
number. I took the sticks out and changed the order they were in and almost
nothing would run. It seemed that the third block was totally screwed and
although it acknowledged its existence and therefore fooling me into think it
was working, it was not working at all and only caused a problem when big and
heavy programs were brought into play...removing that stick improved the
overall system performance.

Not much really new stuff above, but maybe something will strike a chord ...
let us know

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Hi John
I do have an Nvidia card - Maddog MX Geforce MX 420.
Iwent to the maddog site, and their latest driver was jan 2005, same driver
file name as off the nvidia site.
New prob has also arised, well may have been there, but just got to it.
I can't even rip from media player at lowest setting. Well actually I can,
if it is a single song.
What I had been doing in the past, and like I said earlier, it worked great,
then 5 mins to an hr later, it would not work.

The scenario - I get a cd from my church. I would use MGI video Wave to
convert the sermon file to a *.wav, then import to MM ( it used to work for
MM1 and MM2 ).
Then edit the file, and save as a movie ( actually a *.wma file ). I had
been doing this for 18 months, every week. As I said in earlier post, I did
one file, took a break, came back and system locks up as soon as compile
takes place, might be 3% have bben as far as 50%. Once in a while I found out
I could save movie at lowest setting, 8kbs, which is ......for audio, but
compared to the 32kbs it stinks. It seems something has changed in MM or
Directx , something on MS side, or there is a code error, that all of a
sudden my machine doesnt like, sheesh I dunno. Now after having done a clean
install of everything, it is still a no go. I can use the pc at church wich
has none of the upgrades, and can rip the audio there, and do all the work,
so I guess untill MS makes a fix , I will have to resort doing the work there.
BTW, I would be very happy to work with a MS rep and see exactly where this
lprob lies.

Oh yeah, MGI is not installed now. I only have one mem stick in box, that
could be the prob, but I kinda doubt it, but have thought about getting
another stick anyway.
One more thing, when all this started I was using an onboard vid card SiS ....
