Mixing Versions of Office Products

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I have a new PC with Windows XP home. The OEM version of
MS Office Basic 2003 is loaded (Word, Excell and Outlook).

Can I load Access and Powerpoint 97 (which I have), or
will I run into compatibility problems?

I have run both full versions on the same XP machine, so I'll have to say
yes. The caveat being that you won't be able to use automation. You may be
able to use merges from Word to Access, but not visa-versa. The obvious
reason being that the earlier versions have no way of understanding anything
that came later.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:
I have had no issues doing that.....except Access (Trying to run more than
one version on the same OS).

Access required a few minor mods during installation in order to run 97 and
2000 on the same machine. There is a KB article telling one how to do that
with Access.

Might be worth a KB search.
Hi John,

Only if the format is readable. I know that Access 97 usually exports in
Excel 5.0 format (16 bit) which Excel (any version) opens without complaint.
But you can't count on Word merges. I also don't have any experience to
automation in different versions of PowerPoint.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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