Mixing versions of Office products

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I have a new PC with Windows XP home. The OEM version of
MS Office Basic 2003 is loaded.

Can I load my Access and Powerpoint 97 programs, or will I
run into compatibility problems?

For very simple programs, you should have no problems. Programs which use
automation will require careful adjustment of their references to make sure
the 2 programs call each other correctly. It can usually be done with few

As far as Access 97 database applications running in an Access 2003
environment: You can run them or convert them.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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Arvin - Thanks for the prompt response!

I think the way I worded my question confused the issue.
My question actually is whether I can load Access 97 and
Powerpoint 97 (rather than applications developed in those
environments) on a PC which has Word 2003, Excell 2003,
and Outlook 2003 installed.


Ahh, the answer is yes BUT with a caveat. You need to uninstall the existing
version and clean the registry with ofcln.exe (should be on the Office 2003
disk) or another registry cleaner. Then install Office 97. Start it and run
it, then re-install Office 2003 to a completely different folder.

There is a file in the Office 97 folder named msaccess.srg. Find it and
rename it to anything else. Then create an empty file with notepad and name
it msaccess.srg. Leave it in the same place. This file silently re-registers
Access 97 and you don't want it to. Leave the newer version registered as it
can read the older one, if necessary, but not visa-versa.

I use my SendTo folder to create shortcuts to both versions of Access. Then
I can right click and SendTo either version I want.

Good Luck,
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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