Here's a question:
I'm running Windows XP home. My master HD is NTFS while my
slave is FAT32. The system runs fine as is - no dropped
frames - no crashes - nothing to complain about.
Is this a stable configuration, or should I reformat my
slave from FAT32 to NTFS???
Anyone have experience in this area???
I have a master NTFS HDD with three partitions and a slave FAT32 HDD
also. I use the slave only for data file backups, backup Ghost images
and archives, plus a copy of my XP Pro CD updated with SP1, from which
I installed my XP Pro onto C:. Don't need to insert my CD whenever I
change the XP config.
If my master NTFS drive screws up big, I can always access the slave
drive via an MSDOS boot floppy and either restore data or master HDD
partition images, or even reinstall XP if necessary. I'm probably
paranoid, but I also keep backup images on CD as well, just in case
the whole computer goes up in flames.
Works fine, no probs. Mind you, if I used the slave HDD for progs and
data, I'd probably want to change it to NTFS for the added safety and
security, but I wouldn't want to risk losing access completely if my
master HDD failed badly.
I have made XP boot floppies so I can access and run XP if just the
NTFS master HDD boot sectors get screwed up - that's good insurance
and I recommend it. (Just format a floppy under XP (NOT an MSDOS
bootable), then copy ntldr, and boot.ini from your XP
system root to the floppy, making sure you transfer the correct
attributes). That floppy will boot to XP on your machine if the HDD
won't boot and the XP NTFS partition is not damaged.