Robert Simpson
I've been searching high and low for the ability to do this on the Compact
Framework. In a nutshell, I have a 100% native DLL and I want to fold a
100% pure .NET assembly into it (the wrapper for it). At first I thought
this would be pretty simple, since it is so easy to do on the full
framework. Boy was I wrong!
Originally I tried the old link a netmodule thing (adding a netmodule to the
linker's INPUT parameter), but the CF linker either blew up or gave me an
error. Works great on the full framework.
I tried lots and lots of combinations, but nothing worked. I hand-edited
netmodules, poked the linker in uncomfortable ways, etc. No joy.
Sheer determination ended up winning the battle. If I can't make the linker
do it, I'll do it myself!
This proved rather daunting. I started with Matt Pietrek's documentation on
the PE file format, and dug in all the source I could find on reading .NET
metadata. I finally settled down with the ECMA spec and coded up some
classes to read & modify metadata and tables.
In order to merge a .NET module, a CLR header has to be inserted into the
native DLL, and all the .NET metadata and IL as well. Then, since you're
not inserting it into the same relative places as they used to live, all the
RVA's have to be fixed up. This proved challenging.
Fixing up the metadata RVA's was easy. Having to write all the table code
to dig into the .NET metadata tables to fetch the MethodDef's and FieldRVA's
was a pain in the butt!
In the end, I got what I wanted. Source available here:
And that brings me to the reason for the post ...
The source isn't well documented yet -- I plan on writing up an article or
something for Codeguru in the near future. However, the code has some
caveats I'm hoping someone will know how to resolve ...
1. The native DLL must have an empty section in it large enough to hold the
..NET header, metadata and IL code. To create such a section, I used this:
#pragma data_seg(\".clr\")
#pragma comment(linker, "/SECTION:.clr,ER")
char __ph[92316] = {0}; // 92316 is the number of bytes to reserve
#pragma data_seg()
2. The native DLL must have an exported function in it that calls
CorDllMain() in MSCOREE.DLL. The function name must have "CORDLLMAIN" in it
(search is case-insensitive) and must have the same calling conventions as
DllMain. The reason I require this is because I have to remap the DLL
EntryPoint to call this function, and set the entrypoint in the .NET header
to be the previous DLL entrypoint. The reason it must be exported is
because I don't know how to figure out the RVA of the function without it
being in the export table. Here's my stub:
__declspec(dllexport) BOOL WINAPI _MyCorDllMain(HINSTANCE hInst,
DWORD dwReason,
LPVOID pvReserved)
return _CorDllMain(hInst, dwReason, pvReserved);
3. The code is largely untested -- I tested it for my own usage, but your
mileage may vary. Oh, if the .NET assembly is signed, you'll have to
re-sign it afterwards.
So that leads to the questions:
Is there a more graceful way to do this? I'd much rather expand the size of
the executable than have to hardcode a reserved space for the assembly --
but at the same time I don't want to write out data into a non-existent
section of the file. Should I care? Will PEVerify complain? It already
complains about my non-standard stub.
Is there a way to set the entrypoint of the DLL directly to CorDllMain
rather than force you to write a stub that calls it?
Framework. In a nutshell, I have a 100% native DLL and I want to fold a
100% pure .NET assembly into it (the wrapper for it). At first I thought
this would be pretty simple, since it is so easy to do on the full
framework. Boy was I wrong!
Originally I tried the old link a netmodule thing (adding a netmodule to the
linker's INPUT parameter), but the CF linker either blew up or gave me an
error. Works great on the full framework.
I tried lots and lots of combinations, but nothing worked. I hand-edited
netmodules, poked the linker in uncomfortable ways, etc. No joy.
Sheer determination ended up winning the battle. If I can't make the linker
do it, I'll do it myself!
This proved rather daunting. I started with Matt Pietrek's documentation on
the PE file format, and dug in all the source I could find on reading .NET
metadata. I finally settled down with the ECMA spec and coded up some
classes to read & modify metadata and tables.
In order to merge a .NET module, a CLR header has to be inserted into the
native DLL, and all the .NET metadata and IL as well. Then, since you're
not inserting it into the same relative places as they used to live, all the
RVA's have to be fixed up. This proved challenging.
Fixing up the metadata RVA's was easy. Having to write all the table code
to dig into the .NET metadata tables to fetch the MethodDef's and FieldRVA's
was a pain in the butt!
In the end, I got what I wanted. Source available here:
And that brings me to the reason for the post ...
The source isn't well documented yet -- I plan on writing up an article or
something for Codeguru in the near future. However, the code has some
caveats I'm hoping someone will know how to resolve ...
1. The native DLL must have an empty section in it large enough to hold the
..NET header, metadata and IL code. To create such a section, I used this:
#pragma data_seg(\".clr\")
#pragma comment(linker, "/SECTION:.clr,ER")
char __ph[92316] = {0}; // 92316 is the number of bytes to reserve
#pragma data_seg()
2. The native DLL must have an exported function in it that calls
CorDllMain() in MSCOREE.DLL. The function name must have "CORDLLMAIN" in it
(search is case-insensitive) and must have the same calling conventions as
DllMain. The reason I require this is because I have to remap the DLL
EntryPoint to call this function, and set the entrypoint in the .NET header
to be the previous DLL entrypoint. The reason it must be exported is
because I don't know how to figure out the RVA of the function without it
being in the export table. Here's my stub:
__declspec(dllexport) BOOL WINAPI _MyCorDllMain(HINSTANCE hInst,
DWORD dwReason,
LPVOID pvReserved)
return _CorDllMain(hInst, dwReason, pvReserved);
3. The code is largely untested -- I tested it for my own usage, but your
mileage may vary. Oh, if the .NET assembly is signed, you'll have to
re-sign it afterwards.
So that leads to the questions:
Is there a more graceful way to do this? I'd much rather expand the size of
the executable than have to hardcode a reserved space for the assembly --
but at the same time I don't want to write out data into a non-existent
section of the file. Should I care? Will PEVerify complain? It already
complains about my non-standard stub.
Is there a way to set the entrypoint of the DLL directly to CorDllMain
rather than force you to write a stub that calls it?