mixed up trying to retrieve an old email address to add to my new computer



I'm trying to add an existing email account to my new computer, but I'm
unsure of the setup details, like POP. My old computer died, so I can't
check it for the settings I had on there.

My other half has the main email address provided by the internet service
provider. I've got an email address with the same isp, but can't remember
details. I don't think I had a password for it. Now that I'm trying to set
it up on here, I can send emails, but I can't receive any, other than emails
that should be going to my partner's email address on his computer, not on
mine. I've gone wrong somewhere.

Any help please?

Gary VanderMolen

All email addresses have an associated password.
If you have forgotten yours, you will need to call the mail
service provider (your ISP, in this case). In any case, you
can test your password by logging in to your ISP's webmail.

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