Mixed language font size.

  • Thread starter Thread starter tds
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My word 2007 docx contain a mixture of english, pinyin and chinese mandarin.
Most of the docx are made up of bits that have been cut and pasted from
various sources. I "select all" then make the whole doc have a standard font
size,usually 9. I now want to increase the font size to 16 for all the
chinese characters only. Anyone help me with how to do this?. Thanks in
To: Tds,

When I work with mixed languages, I use different styles for the different
languages. Thus I would have had a Pinyin style & a Chinese Mandarin style,
as well as using "body text" (or somesuch) for English. If you had done this,
you could then just change the font size of the Chinese Mandarin style and it
would not effect the passages using other languages. But I assume you didn't
do that.

Did you use the same font for all three languages? If not, it would be a
simple task of using that difference to solve your problem.

I'm not familiar with either Pinyin or Chinese Mandarin, but I assume that
they are closely related languages, yes?

Also, are you using Unicode to display Pinyin & Chinese Mandarin? If I'm not
mistaken, Chinese uses Unicode characters from 4E00 to 9FFF (hex). It would
be easy to distingish these from normal English text, but does Pinyin and
chinese Mandarin use the same set of characters?

Steven Craig Miller
Thanks for replying, Because most of the content of my docx is cut and pasted
from a large variety of sources I dont have your paragraph 1 option. In order
to get the document in any sort of shape I select all and standardise on
Arial font and 9 size. This makes your 2nd para option redundant. Incidently
if I did use one font for Chinese and another for Pinyin and English I still
dont see how I could selectively change the font size for the Chinese.
your para 3. Pinyin is a Romanization of chinese characters it therefore
uses english letters with diacritical marks to indicate the four tones. It is
a sort of half way house between chinese and english.
Your para 4. You are quite right the chinese characters are unicode 4e00 to
9fff and pinyin uses ordinary letters not characters. Does this help?
To: T.D. Stevenson,

I could write a macro for you which would find all unicode characters (4e00
to 9fff) and convert those characters to a new Style called "Chinese" (or
whatever you like), and then you could change that style to any font size you
wanted. But I have one more series of questions. Do you have paragraphs,
sentences, and/or lines of text with both Chinese, on the one hand, and
English or Pinyin texts, on the other hand? Is most or all of the Chinese
text seperate from the English or Pinyin texts? (Word has two types of
styles, paragraph styles and character styles.)

Would you be willing to send to me your document, part of your document, or
a mock-up of your document via e-mail?

Steven Craig Miller
Rather than answer your questions I am more than happy to select a bit at
random and e-mail it to you.
My e-mail address is: stevencraigmiller(at)comcast(dot)net.
(Make the obvious substituations.)
Before you run the macro below, you must create a "Chinese" style in your
document. This style must be Character based and not Paragraph based. The
font of this style should be "SimSun." (It is usually best to place your
cursor on Chinese text before creating this style.)

Once the new style has been created, then run my macro. While it is running,
in the bottom left corner you should see two numbers. The first number is the
number of Characters in your document. The second number gives you the number
the macro is on. This will give you a rough idea how long it will take for
the macro to finish.

This macro is very simple. Your document used the SimSun font for Chinese
characters, and other fonts for other characters. So this macro simply looks
for a character using a SimSun font and changes its style from normal to
"Chinese". After this is done, you can change the font size of the Chinese
style to anything you want.

Sub SimSun2ChineseStyle()
Dim nChars As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim oRange As Range

Set oRange = ActiveDocument.Range
nChars = oRange.Characters.Count
For i = 1 To nChars
Application.StatusBar = nChars & ":" & i
If oRange.Characters(i).Font.Name = "SimSun" Then
oRange.Characters(i).Style = "Chinese"
End If
Next i
End Sub

Steven Craig Miller