I'm new to Access, and trying to create a chronology. The problem is that
some of the dates are '01/01/2005' and some are just 2005, or '01/2005'. It
doesn't like these formats. What can I do? Thank you!
An Access Date/Time field is stored as a Number, a count of days and fractions
of a day since midnight, December 30, 1899. As such, it's always and
necessarily a precise instant of time. "2005" was not a precise instant of
time, so it can't be stored as such in a Date/Time field!
You'll need to use another approach. One would be to use a Text field,
preferably in chronological order (2005-01-25 for example, with code on data
entry to either cast it into that form or validate that it's a real date); or
three Integer fields for the year, month and day (don't use Year, Month or Day
as fieldnames though, they're reserved words); or just store the first date of
the possible range - e.g. "2005" becomes 1/1/2005, "August 2005" becomes
8/1/2005. If you do so you might want a second field noting the