I have the following control in a report.
[text53]="According to the terms of your loan documents,
the interest rate on the above mentioned loan is to be
automatically adjusted with an effective date of " &
Format([New Rate Effective],'mmmm d", "yyyy') & ". The
new interest rate for the period beginning " & Format
([New Rate Effective],'mmmm d", "yyyy') & " is " & Format
([New Interest Rate],"Percent") & ".
I need every instance of [New Rate Effective] and [New
Interest Rate] in bold font with the remaining text in
plain font. This is a form letter and both sentences need
to be in one paragraph, so I assumed I must keep them in
one control. There seems to be some way to mix
bold/plain fonts in one control as I found an example of
first and last names in bold and plain fonts. Much
appreciative of any suggestions.
[text53]="According to the terms of your loan documents,
the interest rate on the above mentioned loan is to be
automatically adjusted with an effective date of " &
Format([New Rate Effective],'mmmm d", "yyyy') & ". The
new interest rate for the period beginning " & Format
([New Rate Effective],'mmmm d", "yyyy') & " is " & Format
([New Interest Rate],"Percent") & ".
I need every instance of [New Rate Effective] and [New
Interest Rate] in bold font with the remaining text in
plain font. This is a form letter and both sentences need
to be in one paragraph, so I assumed I must keep them in
one control. There seems to be some way to mix
bold/plain fonts in one control as I found an example of
first and last names in bold and plain fonts. Much
appreciative of any suggestions.