missinng network drive causes delays

  • Thread starter Thread starter easily_confused
  • Start date Start date


I have a network drive configured that is my ipod touch (actually, an
application on the touch). I map a drive to
the URL and then I can transfer files to/from the ipod touch (iphone).

When the ipod is not connected I run into a delay problem when I try certain

For example, clicking on a txt file should open my editor, but it takes
If I just open the file with the editor using the context (right click)
menu, it happens immediately.

If I click on the txt file, explorer hangs either until something times out
(30 sec?), or until I open another explorer window (opening the other window
somehow causes the edit session to open). But, even after the edit session
is opened by opening another explorer, the initial explorer window is still
hung until I open yet another explorer session (the third one). Then, it
displays "there was an error sending the command to the application" (even
though the edit session opened with the second session).

If I reboot, this doesn't happen for a while, then it starts happening. If
I delete the drive mapping, it goes away. But, I don't want to delete the
drive mapping. I just want it to stop trying to access it unless I
specifically try to access the ipod.

Is there any way to configure that?

I also don't understand why clicking on the file (which then trys to open
the txt file through the file associations) would try to access the network
drive, but opening the file directly (through the right click "open with
.....) happens immediately.


easily_confused said:
I have a network drive configured that is my ipod touch (actually, an
application on the touch). I map a drive to
the URL and then I can transfer files to/from the ipod touch (iphone).

Any particular reason you've mapped it as a network drive?
I also don't understand why clicking on the file (which then trys to open
the txt file through the file associations) would try to access the network
drive, but opening the file directly (through the right click "open with
....) happens immediately.

I agree, it seems _very_ odd that the file associations should do this.
Are you _sure_ that that is the reason? For example, if you do exactly
the same thing, but while the iwhatsit _is_ connected, does its access
light flash? (Assuming it has one.)

(There seem to be more than the usual number of blank lines there ...)
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