Missing Video from .MPEG file(s)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ken
  • Start date Start date


I am looking for a simple easy to use movie editing program to cut
commercials out of recorded TV programs etc. I currently am using an "old"
MSI video capture card and InterVideo software to create the .MPEG files.
The files created play just fine in Windows Media Player 10 and Nero Vision
Express3. Moviemaker seemed like a good thing. However, when I load one of
the files into Moviemaker (5.1) I do not get any video in the black box to
the right of the collections display. I get sound but no video. I'm sure I
missing something that is obvious to experienced Moviemakers! A little help
getting started would be appreciated. Also, I about ready to hit the buy
button on the ATI Wonder Elite capture card to replace the MSI card and
Intervideo software. Reviews indicate the video is clearer and BeyondTV
supports the card. Any comments?
I was running Movie Maker on a computer that did not have the Intervideo
software installed. I ran Movie Maker on the system that was used to
capture the file and everything worked as expected. Movie Maker uses the
Intervideo filter to process the file. Problem solved, at least the missing
video part!!