Can some one please point me in the right direction. I've thought I've got
the modules I need for Embedded, but apparently not. Right now I'm just
building test loads to get a feel for XPe. My problem is after I've created
a image, let it boot, and then log in, I'm able to see the Win XP background
the start button, but the start menu isn't populated with anything. All I
get is log off and the shutdown options. Then I'm also not able to right
click on anything. What am I missing?
the modules I need for Embedded, but apparently not. Right now I'm just
building test loads to get a feel for XPe. My problem is after I've created
a image, let it boot, and then log in, I'm able to see the Win XP background
the start button, but the start menu isn't populated with anything. All I
get is log off and the shutdown options. Then I'm also not able to right
click on anything. What am I missing?