I've setup a couple of RIS servers over the past 2 - 3 years, each with out
problems. The last server was on a secondary domain controller, which has
now been removed. So yesterday I tried installing it on a domain member
server. The install went fine, however when I tried booting the client PCs I
kept getting an error
PXE-E53 No boot filename received.
After googling this error I found that you had to enter 2 options in the
DHCP scope (66 boot server & 67 bootfile name). Now I never had to do this
on the other RIS installs, why is it different now? Is it because I'm
running RIS on a member server and not a domain controller?
Anyway after configuring these 2 options I found I could PXE boot and get
the RIS setup running. I have created 3 images, one cd based for windows xp,
one cd based for windows 2000, and one windows 2000 riprep image. However
now the problem is that when I boot into the RIS client setup, I am only
being presented with the 2 cd based images, and not the riprep image. I've
read kb289638 on microsoft, however I don't think this is a HAL problem, the
riprep image was created on a dell optiplex gx200 workstation, and is being
RISed to 2 other Dell optiplex gx200 workstations, and all 3 have been
installed using RIS from riprep images in the past when we has RIS on the
domain controller previously.
Anyone have any ideas why I can't see the riprep image? Could it be a
permissions thing? I'm logging on as the same user as I created the images
Any help much appreciated
I've setup a couple of RIS servers over the past 2 - 3 years, each with out
problems. The last server was on a secondary domain controller, which has
now been removed. So yesterday I tried installing it on a domain member
server. The install went fine, however when I tried booting the client PCs I
kept getting an error
PXE-E53 No boot filename received.
After googling this error I found that you had to enter 2 options in the
DHCP scope (66 boot server & 67 bootfile name). Now I never had to do this
on the other RIS installs, why is it different now? Is it because I'm
running RIS on a member server and not a domain controller?
Anyway after configuring these 2 options I found I could PXE boot and get
the RIS setup running. I have created 3 images, one cd based for windows xp,
one cd based for windows 2000, and one windows 2000 riprep image. However
now the problem is that when I boot into the RIS client setup, I am only
being presented with the 2 cd based images, and not the riprep image. I've
read kb289638 on microsoft, however I don't think this is a HAL problem, the
riprep image was created on a dell optiplex gx200 workstation, and is being
RISed to 2 other Dell optiplex gx200 workstations, and all 3 have been
installed using RIS from riprep images in the past when we has RIS on the
domain controller previously.
Anyone have any ideas why I can't see the riprep image? Could it be a
permissions thing? I'm logging on as the same user as I created the images
Any help much appreciated