OK well I need a break from trying to debug Vista I may as well vent.
OK well Ive gotten the "MIssing opperating system" black screen
message pop up way to many times. Blue screens of death 2-3 times a
day, Reinstalling Vista 5 times now and counting. Thought I had it
licked untill I went and installed Norton 360, here we go again, get
me some tylenol.Well Im guessing everyone is still in Guini pig stages
with all the new Vista compatable software. If I have to reinstall my
OS every day who cares about viruses.Where is the VISTA REPAIR feature
on the Vista DVD? I dont wanna re install again & again.
OK well Ive gotten the "MIssing opperating system" black screen
message pop up way to many times. Blue screens of death 2-3 times a
day, Reinstalling Vista 5 times now and counting. Thought I had it
licked untill I went and installed Norton 360, here we go again, get
me some tylenol.Well Im guessing everyone is still in Guini pig stages
with all the new Vista compatable software. If I have to reinstall my
OS every day who cares about viruses.Where is the VISTA REPAIR feature
on the Vista DVD? I dont wanna re install again & again.