Missing names



I created a report that's based on a query. The query itself is based on
Employees table, Courses Table and a junction table that captures the
employee's ids and courses taken.

The problem with the report is that when a Last Name is repeated, meaning
there's another employee with the same Last Name, albeit a different Employee
Id (primary key), the last name only appears once and the courses are put
together for both of them.

The report is printing like this:

Smith John New Employee Orientation
Excel 1
Word - Getting started
New EmPloyee Orientation
Word - Getting started

The report Should look like this:

Smith John New Employee Orientation
Excel 1
Word - Getting started
Smith Sam New EmPloyee Orientation
Word - Getting started

Any ideas? Thanks. JM

Larry Linson

Sounds as if you are Grouping in the Report (or, perhaps, Joining in the
Query) only on Last Name. Use the Employee ID or the combination of Fields
that make up a full name, instead. Using Names for identification isn't a
good practice because there are so many duplicates.. what happens when you
hire two John Peter Smiths, even if you use the full name?

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


Looks like you are grouping the report on Lastname. Try just sorting on
Lastname, then Firstname and then put your Grouping on your primary key
Customer id with a sort also, ( in case there are many 'John Smiths').
So you should end up with 3 rows in your sorting and grouping window,
the last one being the Primary key with the grouping set.


Marshall Barton

jema53 said:
I created a report that's based on a query. The query itself is based on
Employees table, Courses Table and a junction table that captures the
employee's ids and courses taken.

The problem with the report is that when a Last Name is repeated, meaning
there's another employee with the same Last Name, albeit a different Employee
Id (primary key), the last name only appears once and the courses are put
together for both of them.

The report is printing like this:

Smith John New Employee Orientation
Excel 1
Word - Getting started
New EmPloyee Orientation
Word - Getting started

The report Should look like this:

Smith John New Employee Orientation
Excel 1
Word - Getting started
Smith Sam New EmPloyee Orientation
Word - Getting started

In the report's Sorting and Grouping, change the group to
use an expression (instead of a field). The expression
needs to include the first name if you want those sorted
when the last name is the same. You should probably also
add the employee ID just in case both the first and last
names are the same.

=[lastname] & "," & [firstname] & [Employee ID]


I have a similar problem and none of the responses below resolved it.

I have 3 tables; parent, child and subchild. the child table shows data in
the detail section. no mater which column (ID, name, etc.) that I identify
for sort in the grouping sorting window, I still have data in specific
fields when duplicated. for example, all rows have unique lease numbers so
no lease numbers are missing, however, some rows have the same lessor
repeated which is correct data. each time its repeated, only the top
instance shows and the others below are empty. I even try creating a column
by concatenating many columns together and this still doesn't work. I have
never experienced this in 10+ years of being around access. this would not
be a problem in SSRS. unfortunately I cant use ssrs here. any good ideas?

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