Missing (invisible) body text in Outlook 2007

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yorker
  • Start date Start date


O/S: Windows Vista Home (up-to-date).
Firewall: Comodo with Defense+ or the Vista firewall.
Anti-virus: Avast (either with e-mail scanning turned on or of; makes no
Mail filtering: Mailwasher Pro 6 (employed/not employed; makes no difference).

(My tests revealed that none of the above is responsible for this issue).

I have read and tried a lot of the suggestions concerning this problem
which, incidentally, does not affect Windows Mail, only Outlook.

Here's what I have discovered.

1. If I CTRL+A and copy the contents of the original inbound e-mail into a
text editor, such as Wordpad, I get the same effect (missing body text) as
the e-mail. However, if within the text editor, I press CRTL+A I can see the
highlighted text. Click inside the text editor and everything except for the
hyperlinks disappears from view, i.e. I'm back where I started.

2. I also tried CTRL+A + Copy + Paste Special into Word and the e-mail
copied successfully as Unformatted Text or Unformatted Unicode Text. When I
tried either RTF or HTML format, only the hyperlinks were visible, exactly
the same condition the e-mails are arriving in.

Therefore, this has to be a problem with the format of inbound e-mails.

Question: How does one prevent Outlook from stripping away the (HTML)
formatting, thereby rendering the e-mail text invisible to the recipient?
Yorker said:
Question: How does one prevent Outlook from stripping away the (HTML)
formatting, thereby rendering the e-mail text invisible to the

Didn't you already ask this question a couple of days ago?
Brian Tillman said:
Didn't you already ask this question a couple of days ago?
Considering that I only joined this forum in the past 24 hours and this is
my first post, I fail to understand your query.
Didn't you already ask this question a couple of days ago?
Considering that I only joined this forum in the past 24 hours and this is
my first post, I fail to understand your query.

I've now had a chance to look into this matter and there appears to be a
duplicate of this message on this forum. I'm as baffled as everyone else.

Please remove this entry.
Yorker said:
Considering that I only joined this forum in the past 24 hours and
this is my first post, I fail to understand your query.

You asked this question December 12 at 2:32 PM EST and then again December
13 at 4:11 PM EST. You received a response the first time you asked (on
December 12 at 2:48 PM EST, posted by "Milhouse Van Houten"). Did you
follow up on that reply's suggestion? Are you saying that you didn't post
twice, the first more than 24 hours before you claim you made your first
post? Odd.
Brian Tillman said:
You asked this question December 12 at 2:32 PM EST and then again December
13 at 4:11 PM EST. You received a response the first time you asked (on
December 12 at 2:48 PM EST, posted by "Milhouse Van Houten"). Did you
follow up on that reply's suggestion? Are you saying that you didn't post
twice, the first more than 24 hours before you claim you made your first
post? Odd.
My understanding of this matter is that I made what I thought was an
unsuccessful post BEFORE I received a confirmation e-mail regarding
membership of this forum. I am a member of many different forums and the
rule is always that one has to be a member in order to be able to post a
message. Also, note that I cannot remember receiving any confirmation that
my original post had been successful. Perhaps, now you can understand why I
repeated the post?

On the practical side, I am following the advice given on my original post
by "Milhouse Van Houten". I have acquired the HotFix and I now need to test
it. When I have done so, the results will appear on my original post.

Thank you for pointing out this duplication.

This post is now closed and can be removed.
Yorker said:
My understanding of this matter is that I made what I thought was an
unsuccessful post BEFORE I received a confirmation e-mail regarding
membership of this forum. I am a member of many different forums and
the rule is always that one has to be a member in order to be able to
post a message. Also, note that I cannot remember receiving any
confirmation that my original post had been successful. Perhaps, now
you can understand why I repeated the post?

This explains it. This is not a "forum" as most web forums are hosted.
It's a newsgroup and you don't have to be a member of anything to use it.
You're using the horrible web-based interface which makes you jump through
hoops and provides a poor presentation as well. Try this instead:
On the practical side, I am following the advice given on my original
post by "Milhouse Van Houten". I have acquired the HotFix and I now
need to test it. When I have done so, the results will appear on my
original post.

I'll be interested in the result.
This post is now closed and can be removed.

Posts are never removed. There is no moderation in newsgroups like this.