Missing inbox messages



I have noted recently that when I reply to an email in my
inbox, the original email in the inbox disappears after I
have sent the reply. The usual sequence I follows it to
highlight the email to which I want to reply and click
on "reply" or "reply to all". When the message opens I
type my response and click send. Virus scanning proceeds
and the message is sent. The original message in the inbox
then disappears. It is not tansferred to any other
subfolders. Anyone else noticed this and, if so, how did
you correct this?

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

It's probably just hidden. Check View | Current View -- is it set to
"Unread messages"? If so, that explains the problem -- when you reply to a
message, it becomes "read" and so it disappears when an "unread messages"
view is set. Change the view back to Messages and your hidden messages
should reappear.

Also, make sure you're not sorting your Inbox on the Icon column, which can
also appear to hide messages.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

*** Messages sent to my e-mail address will NOT be answered -- please
reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread. ***


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