Missing Icons from the systray



Has anyone else had the problem where if they login as
soon as the welcome screen appears after a cold start,
many of the icons that normally appear in the systray
don't show up? If I log out and log back in, it displays
properly, or if I wait 30 seconds or so at the welcome
screen before logging in it works fine.


Ramesh [MVP]

Hi Steve,

Read the note below from Kelly Theriot. Got this from Kelly's earlier newsgroup post:
Common and major bug in XP. Workarounds:

Log off and Log back on, password protect your account or disable SSDP and
uPNP Services.

Disable SSDP and uPNP Services (Line 156)

Or if you are running XP SP1 uninstall UPnP from Add/Remove Windows

Hide or Show Inactive Icons in the Notification Area (Line 53)

Remove Past Items From the Notification Area (Line 53)

Once done, Open Task Manager, click the Processes tab, click Explorer.exe,
and then click End Process. In Task Manager, click File, click New Task,
type explorer, and then click OK.

Volume Control disappears:

Save Settings on Exit (Line 54)

To use the Regedit: Save the REG File to your hard disk. Double click it
and answer yes to the import prompt. REG files can be viewed in Notepad by
right clicking on the file and selecting Edit.

Troubleshooting the Notification Area

Also, check for TaskBar Repair Tool in Kelly's site. Recent addition

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP
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Has anyone else had the problem where if they login as
soon as the welcome screen appears after a cold start,
many of the icons that normally appear in the systray
don't show up? If I log out and log back in, it displays
properly, or if I wait 30 seconds or so at the welcome
screen before logging in it works fine.



Same Problem!!!! I can't figure it out?? Something is
deffinately wrong. I think systray.exe is looking at
multiple execution files and trying to start them all. If
it can't, it will start them, but will not place them in
the taskbar where they belong. Shutting down seems to fix
the problem sometimes only after clearing all of the
cache files on the system.

other than that, Don't Know???

I Will keep working on it though!!!!!!

Sharon F

Same Problem!!!! I can't figure it out?? Something is
deffinately wrong. I think systray.exe is looking at
multiple execution files and trying to start them all. If
it can't, it will start them, but will not place them in
the taskbar where they belong. Shutting down seems to fix
the problem sometimes only after clearing all of the
cache files on the system.

other than that, Don't Know???

I Will keep working on it though!!!!!!

Log off and log back on. The whole of Windows does not have to reload and
the missing tray icons will often load successfully. By the way, this is a
known weakness in XP. If you have some time to spare, you could experiment
with enabling/disabling in msconfig in an attempt to pinpoint which icons
are troublesome.

Recently I gave up using Styles XP because it was causing my boot-time
defrag program to blue screen. Although I miss the additional color
choices, the tray icons are now showing up more consistently.


-----Original Message-----
Common issues:

This happens for most Auto-Logon users.

Methods/workarounds: Log off and Log back on, password protect your account
or disable SSDP and uPNP Services.

Disable SSDP and uPNP Services (Line 156)

More troubleshooting measures via this small utility:

Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!

Troubleshooting the Notification Area

All the Best,

[AE-Windows® XP]

Troubleshooting Windows XP

Utilities for Windows XP

Same Problem!!!! I can't figure it out?? Something is
deffinately wrong. I think systray.exe is looking at
multiple execution files and trying to start them all. If
it can't, it will start them, but will not place them in
the taskbar where they belong. Shutting down seems to fix
the problem sometimes only after clearing all of the
cache files on the system.

other than that, Don't Know???

I Will keep working on it though!!!!!!

Kelly----I went to the site you said and used tweak 156
as you said (Disable SSDP and uPNP Services (Line 156)
http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm) and then I
rebooted and all my icons came back! Thanks. Steve


Great, glad to hear it. Thanks for the feedback, Steve. It is greatly

-----Original Message-----
Common issues:

This happens for most Auto-Logon users.

Methods/workarounds: Log off and Log back on, password protect your account
or disable SSDP and uPNP Services.

Disable SSDP and uPNP Services (Line 156)

More troubleshooting measures via this small utility:

Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!

Troubleshooting the Notification Area

Kelly----I went to the site you said and used tweak 156
as you said (Disable SSDP and uPNP Services (Line 156)
http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm) and then I
rebooted and all my icons came back! Thanks. Steve

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