Missing General Tab within Internet Options



Please help. I too have lost my General Tab within
Internet Options and can no longer set my homepage, delete
cookies, delete history, etc.


Hi Tom,

Reset the Internet Explorer tabs and remove all the browser restrictions.
Download the script from:

Remove IE Restrictions & Restore Missing tabs

Also, refer Fix 268 from Kelly's site:
Restore All tabs in IE and Removes the ** Internet Options ** Restrictions
as well

** The cause may be due to a spyware. Download Ad-Aware from
www.lavasoftusa.com, scan the system and eliminate the malware products.
Re-apply the above fix if necessary.

Joe Santamaria

I have been messing with the same problem for weeks. MSFT
Knowledgebase artical 272449 describes a fix. I tried it
and it worked.

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