Missing GB after system recovery



Hello world, I had to do a system recovery on an Compq and now I missing
around 90Gb on my hard drive. Does anyone know how to fix with out doing a
destructive system recovery? I would had to have to back up everthing on my
hard drive (no DVD burner).

Ken Blake, MVP

Hello world, I had to do a system recovery on an Compq

Exactly what did you do, and exactly how did you do it?

and now I missing
around 90Gb on my hard drive.

What is the nominal capacity of the drive? How do you know you're
missing 90GB? What size was reported before the recovery? What size is
reported now? Where are you seeing this number?

How many partitions are on the drive? Are you looking at all of them?


I just ran the system recover because I could not install XP SP2. System was
corrupted but it still ran. The drive is 160 Gb and around 67 (or so) was
used before the recover (round 5Gb is used for the Compaq partitions). I'm
seeing this in the system directory and I also used command prompt to see if
I could find other partitions, but there are none. Now, there were two user
profiles made, I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

Thanks for the qick reply.

Ken Blake, MVP

I just ran the system recover because I could not install XP SP2.

You didn't answer the question. Exactly how did you do this. What is
"system recover"? Is this a CD provided by your OEM? Or do you mean
"System Restore"? Something else? Exactly how did you do it?

Also what does "I could not install XP SP2" mean? How did you try.
Download? CD? What happened when you tried? If you got an error
message, describe it verbatim.

System was
corrupted but it still ran. The drive is 160 Gb and around 67 (or so) was
used before the recover (round 5Gb is used for the Compaq partitions).

Please answer the questions I asked. Are you saying that the drive was
160GB--67GB used and 93GB free? And now the drive is 90GB smaller?

If the drive is 90GB smaller, it's now 50GB. How do you fit 67GB on a
50GB drive?

How did you restore the 67GB of data to your drive after doing the
"system recover"?

Clearly you mean something other than what you're saying, but please
don't make me guess. Describe *exactly* what the situation is.

I, and others here, would like to help you, but you have to give us
clear information about what's going on. If we have to guess we might
guess wrong, and give you bad advice.


The Compaq has a partition that is use to do a system restore, system
recovery (non- destructive) and full system recovery (destructive). Basically
you click on the F10 button on the key board and it gets you into the system
recover area on start up. There are 3 options: System restore, System recover
(non-destructive) and System recover (destructive). The restore I have used,
it just take the system back to a time when it was running correctly. The
System recover non-destructive will reinstall the operating system and keep
your data. The System recover destructive will repartition the hard drive and
reinstall the operating system destroying all data on the hard drive. And
that is one I would like not to use, but it that’s the only way to get back
my 160Gb, so be it.
Now, for the XP SP 2, it was on a disk and it would not allow me to install
do to some errors or coruption of the OS. Sorry, I don’t recall what there
were. After the system recovery, I install the XP SP 2 with no problems,
after that, 90Gb when missing. I’m not sure if it was before the update as I
did not check the system for missing Gb. I have read a few forms where it may
be the system recover duplicating the system prier to the recover and I can
not find the data to remove it.

Thanks for your time, I’m just a novas, so thanks again.

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