First see if two Microsoft documents might help you out.
Go to the internet and
access "
scid=fh;EN-US;KBJUMP". Then look for these two articles
to print out: 812489 and 817196. They both realte to a
floppy drive that is missing. If neither of these work
then it might be a BIOS problem.
The BIOS is what first locates and connects all of your
hardware devices origianlly attached to your computer.
Therefore, you need to enter your BIOS during the initial
boot phase by pressing F1 or some other key (a message
appears at the bottom of the screen for entering Set Up
as to which key to press) and look for your drives under
one of the menu items. Do not go and change anything if
you are not certain about the change, since you could
disable your PC from even booting, which is a whole
different problem.
Once you find the menu item for your drives there should
be a notation for your floppy drive. You need to select
that specific field and change the item beside that
device to enable it as one of your boot devices. Messages
appear to tell you how to do this. Then save your changes
and reboot your PC.
Good luck. Again do not mess with your BIOS if you are
not certain of your change. Hopefully it is a software
problem and modifying the registry will fix it. However,
the same warning applies about not messing wiht the
registry with first backing it up and then carefully
making your modifications.