Missing File

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I've installed, uninstalled & re-installed and tried to
update MSAS and keep getting the same problem. When the
program tries to initiate it brings up a dialog box that
it can not find PCForrest StartMan 1.3.96: 1. Help?!
Go here; C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files' look for
PCForrest StartMan 1.3.96: 1. and delete.

If you used the Add or Remove feature of XP to uninstall
the application this could be the root cause of the
problem, as this feature doesn't always remove all parts
of the application. The uninstaller for many
applications is a simplified version of the one used to
install the application, and might not remove all parts
form the system. It's this uninstaller that Add or
Remove Programs uses when uninstalling the application.

What you might want to do is explore any
CDs/DVDs of software that you installed on the system to
see if they contain PCForrest StartMan 1.3.96: 1. . If
you find one, you can try installing the application from
the installer, reboot the system, and then run the
installer again to remove it. This way the application
mihgt be completely removed.
How do I edit the registry? and remove PCForrest StartMan

Excluding POLICY.POL for the moment, you cannot simply
open SYSTEM.DAT or USER.DAT to edit the registry. You must
use the correct tool for the job. Everything you do on the
PC will affect the registry in some way or another, either
automatically, or by you performing some action with

The Control Panel applets offer a simple interface between
the user and most of the hardware settings stored in the
registry (such as Display properties, or Modem and Network
properties). Tweak UI (part of the Microsoft Powertoys
set) is a special utility designed to edit various
registry settings that are otherwise unavailable via the
Control Panel.

Policy Editor (which we'll discuss in more detail later),
is more suited to administrative registry editing. Plus
there are any number of tweaking utilities that "expose"
the registry's commonest entries.

Since this discussion is about the registry itself, we
must use a tool that allows us to edit ALL of the
registry. In this case, the correct tool is the

Registry Editor. By default, Registry Editor is located in
the C:\WINDOWS folder and goes by the name REGEDIT.EXE.

Before continuing, a word of warning: everything you do in
RegEdit is "live". That is, all edits are made there and
then - there is no apply or undo button. Therefore, use
extreme caution while using RegEdit and don't change
anything unless you are 100% sure of what it is your
editing, and more importantly, why you are editing it. The
registry isn't as fragile as some would have you believe,
however, if you don't know what you're doing, you can
easily end up breaking Windows. However, as we'll see, it
is easy to save sections of the registry before editing

NOTE: Your administrator may have blocked your access to
RegEdit. This is a wise precaution on his/her part, since
you could easily ruin their day.

The Registry Editor
, RegEdit looks very much like a Windows Explorer view,
but instead of folders and sub-folders, we have keys and
sub-keys, and instead of named files containing data, we
have named values containing data. The data may be an
ordinary text string, or a ,numeric value in decimal,
hexadecimal or binary. In fact, the registry is so
flexible it'll support 12 different types of data
(compared to the one string data type available in the old
INI files).

Keys always which begin with "HKEY_". The 6 listed keys
are the root keys - or nodes (HKEY actually means key
handle, bizarrely). Some HKEYs (like HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)
are merely pointers to sub-keys contained in one of the
other HKEYs - very much like a shortcut. By creating
pointers like this, access to often-used areas of
SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT become that much quicker. Very
much like creating a shortcut to a file or folder on your
desktop to speed up access to it. However, unlike
shortcuts,you cannot create your own pointers.

Below each of these keys there are sub-keys (much like sub-

When we address a key we use the familiar path convention
we use when addressing a file or folder. For example, the
current user's software key is addressed
actually a shortcut to HKEY_USERS\, where is the current
user's username.

By addressing each key by its node path, the registry can
be accessed extremely quickly (just as afile is accessed
quickly when you tell Windows where it is located). If
you've ever used the Windows Find, Files or Folders
utility, you'll know how slow it can be to find the files
you're looking for.

Similarly with RegEdit's Edit > Find tool. So whenever
possible, narrow your search to a particular node or sub-
key, and be as specific as possible.

Let's look at each HKEY node in more detail:
Often expressed as HKCR, this area of the registry is a
pointer to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES key,
and contains everything from filetype associations to
shell extensions. Since this area of the registry is
accessed every time you open a file or use an
object,creating a pointer to it speeds up access to it.

Also, since it is a pointer, every edit made to this
portion of the registry using RegEdit is immediately
reflected in the HKLM key it refers to.

Often expressed as HKCC, this key contains all the Plug
and Play settings and information about the current
configuration of a multi-configuration computer (such as a
docking station). This key is actually a pointer to one of
the configuration branches of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Config.
Often expressed as HKCU, this area of the registry
contains user-specific settings, and points to the user's
specific branch of the HKEY_USERS key.

Often expressed as HKDD, dynamic data which is stored in
RAM (and is therefore under constant change) is stored in
this key. This information can change as devices are added
or removed. Device Manager uses this data to show the
current hardware configuration, and is used to constantly
update System Monitor. This key doesn't actually exist in
the registry files, it only exists in RAM.

Often expressed as HKLM, this key contains machine-
specific information about the hardware installed, as well
as software settings. The information in this key is used
by all users who log on to the machine.

Often expressed as HKU, this key contains information
regarding the default and current users. Each user who
logs on has a sub-key under this key, and is made up from
their own USER.DAT file. If you find a particular user is
missing from this key, log on to their profile and export
their from this key. Log on under all other users,
including the default user, and import their .

REG files
If you highlight a key and select File > Export, you will
be asked to enter a filename. The end result is a .REG
file which contains all the entries in and below the key
you highlighted. You can even backup the entire registry
by this method. However normally you'd use it to quickly
backup a key you were about to remove or edit.

REG files are nothing more than plain-text files. The REG
extension is associated with RegEdit so double-clicking a
REG file will allow you to "merge" (import) the data
contained therein - thus restoring the entries to what
they were before you edited them. However, there are is
one drawback: new entries added since the REG file was
created will not be removed - only existing entries are
overwritten, and missing entries restored. However, for
most edits this is perfectly adequate.

The REG file format is relatively simple. Take a look at
the Registry Hacks page for some examples. At the very top
of the file is the identifier, REGEDIT4. This must appear
at the top of all REG files on a line of its own.

Below this are two blank lines (although one is
sufficient) followed by the first key, which is surrounded
by square braces []. If there are any data values for this
key, they are listed immediately below it in "data
name"="data value" format (for string data types). Other
data types have their own specific format, with the type
of data immediately following the equals sign (=),
e.g., "data name"=hex:00000001 for an 8-bit binary value,
and "data name"=dword:00,00,00,00 for double-word values
(4 bytes).

Every key has a default value. However, not all default
values actually contain data (they are not set). But since
the default value has no name (the name is actually the
name of the key it belongs), the "@" symbol is used
instead. The default value is always a string type so,
whenever one is set, the REG file will show an entry like
@="default value". One such use for a default value is to
specify a default key immediately below the default
value's key. We'll look at this in greater detail shortly.

After all values for a particular key are listed, a blank
line separates it from the next key. Notice how keys are
listed in hierarchical form, from the parents to the
children. This is because missing keys need to be
recreated, and this can only be achieved if the parent key
(s) exist. Keys are added (if missing) in the order they
appear, thus parents must always appear before their
children. However, the order of the parents at similar
levels may not be alphabetical, and the values themselves
may not be alphabetical either.

The order they appear in is the order they were created
in. You could spend time sorting the order but there's
very little point in doing so. A particular key or value
will be found just as quickly regardless of its order.

The REG file continues in this fashion, listing keys and
their respective values, separating each key with a blank
line. At the end of the file there must be at least one
blank line (this is common of most script files - since
the carriage return/line-feed at the end of each line is
treated as a part of the line).

The observant amongst you may have noticed file and folder
pathnames in the data values use double-forward-slashes
("\\") rather than the normal single-forward-slash ("\").
This is simply because the single forward-slash is a
special "tag" character, used to clarify the character
that follows it. In other words, the two characters are
treated as a single character. For example, "\t"
translates as a tab character, while "\n" translates as a
carriage-return/line-feed. Since the forward-slash is a
special character, it can't be used in registry pathnames.

However, a double-forward-slash clarifies that the second
forward-slash is a genuine forward-slash. The first is
therefore ignored. If you look in the registry you'll see
the double-slashes are correctly shown as single-slashes.

If you've looked through my Registry Hacks you may have
discovered one or two you'd like to try. Now would be a
good opportunity to put your newly found skills into
action, while you observe the REG inserting its entries.

Simply use RegEdit to navigate to the appropriate key
that the REG will edit, and look at the current entries.

Merge the REG file (by double-clicking it) then hit F5 to
refresh RegEdit. Your new entries will appear in the
editor. Note that some settings (local machine settings in
particular) will require a reboot to take full effect.

These types of settings are read at bootup and remain in
memory throughout. Others (particularly current user
settings) may require a logoff in order to take effect.

However, for the most part, settings will take effect from
the moment you merge them - although the program that uses
those settings may require refreshing itself (or even to
be shut down and re-run) before the settings take effect.
If in doubt, reboot.

A few paragraphs ago I mentioned that REG files couldn't
remove new entries added since making the REG file. That
isn't entirely true. To remove entries using REG files you
need to remove the entire key the entry appears in, and
then restore the other entries. For example, suppose I
have a key for my own software

(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PCForrest) and want to remove
the data value named "MyApp". I would first export the
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PCForrest] key, and then move
the "MyApp" line to the top of the file, under the same
key but with a leading minus (-), like so:

"MyApp"="This Entry Should be Removed"

"ThisApp"="This Entry Belongs Here"
"ThatApp"="This Entry Also Belongs Here"

Note that when removing keys, it doesn't matter what
values you place below them. I include them merely to show
precisely what I want to delete.

However, be aware that any values in addition to the ones
in this file (and any sub-keys within it) will also be
I've a similar thought to Engel's, but slightly different:

Please download the following Microsoft tool:


This is the Windows Installer Cleanup tool.

Install it and run it and look for an entry for the PCForrest StartMan

If you find that, remove it.

That should fix the issue.

If that works, I'd recommend removing the cleanup tool, via add or remove
programs--it isn't something you'll need regularly.
Unable to read the post from anonymous; Jul 13 2005 8:30AM

From the blue line with the buttons all the way down is
It contains a very lengthy description of how to edit the registry.

I've passed the information about messages that can't be read up the line--I
don't know how much information will get passed back.
