missing file at startup

  • Thread starter Thread starter David
  • Start date Start date


Except for applying a number of security patches, I've not
made any significant changes to my system since installing
Win2k a couple of years ago. About a month or so back, I
started getting the alert "Cannot find the file 'copy' (or
one of its components)..." during startup (this happens
when the desktop background color has been set but before
anything's been put on the desktop). I click OK and, as
far as I can tell, everything behaves fine but I'm
wondering where this came from (especially since the copy
command I know is built into CMD.EXE).

Has anyone seen this or know if this is anything to be
concerned about?

Hi David,

Run Regedit and look at the entries on the following two keys:

Check to see if you can find the entry that is loading. Also check the
Startup folder for your account.
The Startup folder icons are loaded from two locations. To remove these

1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click "Taskbar and Start
Menu Properties".

2. On the Advanced tab, click Advanced.

3. Open the Startup folder for the user account with which you logged
on, and then click Cut on the Edit menu.

4. Create a SysDriversBak folder, create a UserStartup folder under the
folder, open the UserStartup folder, and then click Paste.

5. Repeat steps 1 through 2 and navigate to the All Users\Start
Menu\Programs\Startup folder.

6. Click Cut on the Edit menu, navigate to the SysDriversBak folder,
create an AllUsersStartup folder, and then click Paste.


Ken Simmons

Microsoft Technical Support for Platforms and Business Applications