Missing drivers Part 2



Wasn't abosolute about asking similar question about "missing drivers" and
their downlaod location once they are found, so decided to ask on other
Have similar problems on W2K upgrade to WIN Xp home and even though I have
found some drivers that seem appropriate for system, don't know where to
place. Should they be in program files, in "audio" codecs, "audio 1 or 2"
under "drivers" or cache, or even under original name supplier? (ie:
soundmax, realtek).
Some drivers come in ZIP package and once unzipped don't know if I am
placing in correct location.
Any assitance will be greatly appreciated.


If you have upgraded your o/s you visit either
PC manu site if large OEM, eg Dell/HP and download install drivers specific
to your PC for winxp
If Laptop visit the manu site.
If a generic PC you visit the mobo and other installed hw manu sites for xp
drivers specific to your sys hw
Whatever you do you read the how to install instructions


xavier said:
Wasn't abosolute about asking similar question about "missing drivers" and
their downlaod location once they are found, so decided to ask on other
Have similar problems on W2K upgrade to WIN Xp home and even though I have
found some drivers that seem appropriate for system, don't know where to
place. Should they be in program files, in "audio" codecs, "audio 1 or 2"
under "drivers" or cache, or even under original name supplier? (ie:
soundmax, realtek).
Some drivers come in ZIP package and once unzipped don't know if I am
placing in correct location.
Any assitance will be greatly appreciated.

Drivers need to be installed not "put " some where.

Create a directory/Folder called Drivers, down load the required files
into that directory. If the files are zip archives unzip them into
separate directories under driver e.g c:\Drivers\Soundcard or
c:\Drivers\video.Once downloaded and unzipped as required run the setup
program included - this is usually setup.exe. If the files come as exe
files then simply run the exe file. The drivers should then install
themselves into the correct part of the operating system.


Thank you DL and especially GreenieLeBrun, will follow suggestions and post
results at later date. Finally got answer about Zips that i had been looking

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