Windows XP Missing .dll in WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL

May 29, 2005
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Norton SystemWorks One Button Checkup continually displays the following error message:

"C:\WINDOWS\System32\MAPISRVR.EXE" cannot access a necessary file, "gapi32.dll."

I have this .dll file on a disk, in what directory and folder do I place it so that MAPISRVR.EXE can find and access this file???

Is it an important file or can I ignore it?

i found this on another forum hope it helps

To copy the file Gapi32.dll to where it can be found
Navigate to the folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Mapi\1033\NT.
right-click on the file Gapi32.dll and choose Copy.
Navigate to the folder C:\Windows\System32.
Right-click on the folder System32 and choose Paste.
Close Windows Explorer.
Restart the computer.
Internet Junkie,

Thanks for your reply! I'll give that a try. I haven't noticed any ill effects from the missing file but wanted to stop seeing the error message appear...


Found on my computer in C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\Mapi\1036

Sorry I have the French version
--> C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Mapi\1036
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Internet Junkie's fix suggestion worked -- no more error! I am very grateful. I'm sure that the problem has been appearing for 2 years. I won't have to look at it anymore...

no problem, it wasnt my fix but someone on a forum i found via google