Missing/Corrupt system file...can't boot



I'm receiving an error message when attempting to boot
Windows XP Home Edition:
"Windows could not start because the following file is
missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM
I've tried to copy this file "SYSTEM" to a temp
directory via DOS commands; however, this also fails. Any
suggestions? The OS was installed by the PC manufacturer
so I don't have the OS install CDs.


/EJM/ said:
I'm receiving an error message when attempting to boot
Windows XP Home Edition:
"Windows could not start because the following file is
missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM
I've tried to copy this file "SYSTEM" to a temp
directory via DOS commands; however, this also fails. Any
suggestions? The OS was installed by the PC manufacturer
so I don't have the OS install CDs.

Try a boot into Safe Mode, by hitting F8 just before the "Starting
Windows" screen would appear (takes a bit of practice).

If that does nothing, use a working PC to read this first...

Related info is here...
describes a three-step process to extract a copy of the registry
from the System Restore SVI folder.

Info on dealing with corruption issues...

Reinstall/repair tutorials (if needed) are here...

After your system is restored, the ERUNT utility available here may
make it easier to fix the problem if it recurs...

If the problem persists, try swapping current RAM (even if it checks
good) for a single, high-quality 512Mb chip. XP reportedly is sensitive
to memory timing.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

I'm sorry, but is English a second or third language for you? If
so, may I suggest that you try posting your question in a news group
dedicated to your native language? I say this not to insult or
offend, but rather to point out that you're not likely to get much
help, if no one can understand what you're saying or asking.

As it is, your post is quite undecipherable: the words used are
from the English language, but are completely meaningless as currently

Bruce Chambers
Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

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