Just wanted to let KM know that strange "Missing component" issue you were
trying to help me with has been solved. As it in many case is, it was a user
Turns out two of the custom components that we have had the same IDs. I
realized it when I was upgrading configuration to SP2 -- it warned me about
unreleased component, then upgraded anohter one! I'm guessin the person made
one of them just copied the first one, renamed and modified...
I fixed it now
, but I do appreciate your help - I've learned a couple of
tricks in the process.
trying to help me with has been solved. As it in many case is, it was a user

Turns out two of the custom components that we have had the same IDs. I
realized it when I was upgrading configuration to SP2 -- it warned me about
unreleased component, then upgraded anohter one! I'm guessin the person made
one of them just copied the first one, renamed and modified...

I fixed it now

tricks in the process.