Missing code


Adrian Roberts

Hi all
I have uploaded a page http://www.adysdrivingschool.co.uk/Index2.htm

The page can be previewed in IE6 locally with no problems. (page was done in
dreamweaver mx).

When I try to view the page from the web in IE6 on my desktop a flash movie
is missing in the bottom left corner. While a flash movie at the top works
I view the source code in IE6 of the web based page and the code for the
second movie is missing.
When I use my laptop the page can be viewed fine.

Some of collegues can view it ok whilst others cannot.

Any Idea whats happening.


Adrian Roberts

Hi again

Also, other people can see the second movie, I can if I view with my laptop.

Robert Aldwinckle

the code for the second movie is missing.

Then change your connection. If you have deleted your TIF
and the *source* is still missing that .swf then the only remaining
possibility is that the difference is your connection. That could be
due to a corrupted intermediate cache. Would this source page
have ever existed at one time during development of the site?
Would it have been accessed by the same connection as the one
you are now having a problem with?

One approach to diagnosing this might be to see what you get
if you pull the page using telnet. However, unless you exactly emulate
what IE does there is no guarantee that you would be seeing the same
thing that it does. OTOH if you do see something different using
telnet via two different connections then you would have a significant clue.

In fact, depending on what tools you have it could be even easier than that.
Do you have a way to trace the HTTP packets? If your OS is XP
take a look at netcap. Provided the HTTP is not being encrypted or
encoded (e.g. compressed by gzip) you would be able to eyeball enough
of the trace data in the resulting .cap file. To actually format the .cap file
you would need a tool such as Ethereal or MS netmon.

FWIW I just used the telnet idea. Both .swf objects were present.
BTW note that the thing that I think you are referring to as the "second"
movie actually occurs *first* in the source.

Good luck


Adrian Roberts

Hi Robert

You'll love this... symantec internet protection ad blocking service was the
when I turned it off the page displayed perfectly...
Now I know the problem, which is still confusing because one movie is
playing while the other is not, maybe I can sort it out.

Thanks for your help

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