Missing Background and Screensaver tabs in Desktop window

Jul 8, 2008
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Long story short, I downloaded a few things and then the next minute, I got the blue screen of Death saying that my files were being dumped and windows was shutting down to protect it from further damage. All this happened after about 10 seconds of looking at a background image saying that Spyware had been detected and that I should install security software.

However, I have the latest edition of CA Security Center and I ran both the Spyware and Anti-Virus scans and they both found a few things. The SPyware did find the Trojan and it was DELETED promptly. Now I come to find that the two tabs mentioned in the title are missing from my desktop properties window.

I realize that there are other posts similiar to this, and I already found the kellys-corner REG site that shows me the REG file on how to "Restore the Display Tabs" on Line 285. My question, is what do I do with the "computer lingo" on the screen? I know how the registry works and have gone into it before, I just don't know how to use the information that is in front of me?

Can someone please guide me through how to use the REG file with all the information in Line 285 on the right side?

Also on a side note, my Recycling Bin; ages ago, has been mal-functioning and now I am forced to just have it be permanently delted when I click delete. This is because my recycling bin doesn't work; everytime I click empty recycling bin, it says " are you sure you want to permanently delte 'Activision'.." and I click yes, but it remains. Is there any way to change the state of this?

Sorry for the length of this message, any help would be great!
