Misco has anyone used them please?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Just wondering whether any of you have ever purchased anything from Misco, and how you would rate them please? (I have tried a PCR "search" and couldn't find any threads .. so if I have missed one, my apologies :) )

My reason for asking, is that we want to buy a monitor. We will look at the ones on display in local stores first, just to see which we like best, but then possibly buy from the internet, if we can get the same for a better price. So if anyone has experience of them, I'd really appreciate your views

Thanks for reading :D
I've bought a few things from them, only one hiccup, about 16 months ago.

They promised a delivery two days before Christmas, it turned up three days after Christmas. Most likely the delivery company's fault but it still annoyed me.

Most recent purchase was an Epson Perfection 4490 Photo scanner from them in January '07, arrived next day, no problem.

You can get through to them on the phone easily enough as well.
Tis true that in general Misco are more expensive.

However, oddly enough, they gave the best price for my Epson scanner.

The scanner, however, wasn't a commonly available model, it was listed as 'semi-professional'

I never had any problems with Simply Computers either, I can remember nipping across the river to Walthamstow and buying stuff from their trade counter. Built my first 'real' build parts there - Abit KT7A board and 800Mhz Duron.

But they did shut down the trade counter eventually :(
Oh! So they used to be Simply Computers.... I remember seeing that name in computer mag ads:nod: Actually, another reason for mentioning Misco, is that I read through Quad's feature on the Philips 170B6CB and thought they sounded good - there was a Misco link at the end.

I was hoping to be able to see them in PCWorld, but when I checked yesterday (on the net, that is) I couldn't find that exact model. The ones I saw were also pretty expensive - £300 or more......however, just checked again, and I think I must have looked in the wrong place :rolleyes: because I can see two being advertised, one at £129.99 and the other £159.99, they are still not the exact model that Quad wrote about, but presumably the quality will be similar(?) We still intend to go and see them in action first, of course, but I always like to have a good look around to "gen-up" a bit, on both specs and prices.

Thank you for your answers Flopps and Mucks - always appreciated :thumb: :D
Simply Computers, part of Misco who are a sub of Systemax ... started their decline back in 2004 and went over completely to Misco in 2006.

They are very well known in Europe, Misco that is ... ;)

TC, I would suggest you look at 19" monitors and skip any 17s or less. It is still easy to find a good 19" for under £150.

TFT/LCDs have come a very long way in a very short period of time ... and, as you are not a fanatical gamer, most of the "std" 19s would do you dandy. :thumb:

Oh we've not ruled out the thought of a 19 in:thumb: although compared to the 15 in laptop screens we've been used to for the past six years, anything bigger is likely to seem enormous :lol:

I'm hoping we can go and look at monitors this week, but different things keep cropping up to side-track us :rolleyes: It's funny really, because initially, a three week wait for the new PC seemed to be quite a long time.... but it's speeding-by:nod: Can't believe that it's already May. :eek: :D
Thanks AB - yes that is a very good organisation to which we've donated stuff in the past - two groups in my area. Some amazing things are sometimes offered:nod:
I know it's a few weeks old this thread, but credit where it's due - Misco haven't let me down and neither did Simply, who i had extensive dealings with since they were just a single unit off of Wood Street. Admitadly, it has lost that personal feeling, where you could drop in and spend 10 minutes with an engineer discussing what you were after and other advice, but they provide a good remote service - i just dig out my old Guess Who? game, pick a card at random and use that to visualise the person on the phone, thus giving it that personal feeling once again...

i'm kidding about that last bit, btw, but Misco get a thumbs up from me, despite their slightly high prices - they're quick, local and not PC World, so works for me :)
Hi Littlesthobo, :) it's always useful to hear opinions - whether good or bad - from people who have used these Companies, I appreciate you taking the trouble to post, thank you :D