If there's a more suitable forum to post this, please someone tell me...I take a digital photo, say of our grand-daughter; put it in the "Family"
sub-folder of the "My Pictures" folder. Later I open it in Photoshop, crop it
(say) and save it under a new name ("Grand-daughter 2") in the same "Family"
sub-folder. I open the sub-folder, selecting to view images as thumbs.
"Grand-daughter 2" is there... but in its original uncropped form!
Double-click - and my viewer (Irfanview) brings it up properly cropped. I put
it into Photo Story 3, but am confused by the fact that not only this image
but all edited images appear in their unedited form. In PS3 preview, and when
it becomes part of a .wmv file or a generated video, the edited image
appears, so the fault isn't fatal... but very annoying. And WHY - suddenly?
Only me, or have others had this happen?
(Oh, yes, and I've tried putting the edited image into a different
sub-folder. And tried a System Restore.)
sub-folder of the "My Pictures" folder. Later I open it in Photoshop, crop it
(say) and save it under a new name ("Grand-daughter 2") in the same "Family"
sub-folder. I open the sub-folder, selecting to view images as thumbs.
"Grand-daughter 2" is there... but in its original uncropped form!
Double-click - and my viewer (Irfanview) brings it up properly cropped. I put
it into Photo Story 3, but am confused by the fact that not only this image
but all edited images appear in their unedited form. In PS3 preview, and when
it becomes part of a .wmv file or a generated video, the edited image
appears, so the fault isn't fatal... but very annoying. And WHY - suddenly?
Only me, or have others had this happen?
(Oh, yes, and I've tried putting the edited image into a different
sub-folder. And tried a System Restore.)