Brad Baker said:
Is there a way to mirror the records in one zone over to another? For
example: we use active directory integrated DNS and all our servers
are set to register themselves in DNS. This is great however they
automatically register themselves in the .com zone. We would like to
mirror these entries over to a .net zone as well so that the two
zones are always in sync.
You could probably create a list of your domains as suffixes in IP
properties, Advanced, DNS tab, and select the checkbox to register into
these zone in DNS, provided the zone are both on all the DNS servers you
have listed in the machine's IP properties.
Othewise you can create some sort of script to detect a change and
automatically populate the other zone.
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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft MVP - Windows Server Directory Services
Microsoft Certified Trainer
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