Steve Brennan
Hi All,
Firstly I'll apologise as I have cross posted this question to a couple of
other newsgroups as despartion is setting in.
My boss has asked me to find the following info about breaking mirrors and
my deadline is looming.
Basically we have Windows 2000 servers with the os installed on mirrored
scsi drives (2 drives). Other drives/datra are held on a different raid
We are looking at upgarding to Windows 2003 and we thought that if we could
break the mirror we could leave 2000 server say on scsi disk 1 and install
Windows 2003 onto scsi disk 2.
Boot the server with disk 2 (2003 server) and if all was well re-constitute
the mirror and have scsi 2 replciate over disk 1.
If the install of 2003 did not go well we would still have the original
2000 server to fall back to re-constitute the mirror and we would be safe.
So does anyone have any advice/guidance on this, things not to do or to make
sure we do do?!?! and also just how to break mirros etc?
Would scis disk id's have to be changed? etc etc.
Thanks loads in advance for your help I'll let you all know how I get on as
this is most important to me as well as part of my yearly bonus rests on
getting this sorted
Cheers all.
Firstly I'll apologise as I have cross posted this question to a couple of
other newsgroups as despartion is setting in.
My boss has asked me to find the following info about breaking mirrors and
my deadline is looming.
Basically we have Windows 2000 servers with the os installed on mirrored
scsi drives (2 drives). Other drives/datra are held on a different raid
We are looking at upgarding to Windows 2003 and we thought that if we could
break the mirror we could leave 2000 server say on scsi disk 1 and install
Windows 2003 onto scsi disk 2.
Boot the server with disk 2 (2003 server) and if all was well re-constitute
the mirror and have scsi 2 replciate over disk 1.
If the install of 2003 did not go well we would still have the original
2000 server to fall back to re-constitute the mirror and we would be safe.
So does anyone have any advice/guidance on this, things not to do or to make
sure we do do?!?! and also just how to break mirros etc?
Would scis disk id's have to be changed? etc etc.
Thanks loads in advance for your help I'll let you all know how I get on as
this is most important to me as well as part of my yearly bonus rests on
getting this sorted

Cheers all.