Windows XP Mirror Driver Problrm

May 25, 2010
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once again i want to clear that what i want to do. i don't want my application to be captured by Driver, means if my application is visible at my side then it should not capture in the desktop image, what i should get is , area behind my application in captured image and that should be transferred at remote site.

Now i think following should be solution for this ( please comment) (Technique 1)
-> i have to pass my application window to ExtEscape() with this option ExtEscape(hdc,WNDOBJ_SETUP,4,(LPCSTR)&hwnd, 0,(LPSTR)NULL);

->so my driver will track changes of that window and give its position in WndObjCallback in WndObj. now i will remove that area from my changed rectangle list so will not get the application in my captured image.

-> now my problem is that how can i get the data behind my application window?

i have other issue also while implementing this as below,

-> when i m sending my Mirror Sample window (from main.cxx file of sample with option -w) ExtEscape() is working fine but while i m sending my application window handle ExtEscape() fails it returns either 0 or -1. for -1 it gives error no 8 in GetLastError().

-> what i m sending is the same for both as this ExtEscape(hdc,WNDOBJ_SETUP,4,(LPCSTR)&hwnd, 0,(LPSTR)NULL); i have define WNDOBJ_SETUP in my application with 4354 as define in winddi.h , as i should mention that this application is working fine for capturing image.

-> so why this is happening ? whats the problem here? please help me out to figure out this problem?
-> is there any other way to solve this problem than Technique 1? please explain in details.
Uncle Flops musters up all the patience he can, consults his online customer politeness program but finds he still has to ask

Just WTF are you on about? :)
welcome to PCR ... err, maybe

... it's a French lesson. :nod:


oh, he wrote a program, but it don't work. ;)