At the moment I have two queries, one producing a full
list and the other a shortened list of the full list but
with the same fields.
I want to subtract the short list from the full list - a
MINUS I thought but I can't seem to do this in Access.
Is there a way around this? or do I have to do it in my
code once I have extracted the data from Access? (I'm
using stored queries.
Thanks in advance.
At the moment I have two queries, one producing a full
list and the other a shortened list of the full list but
with the same fields.
I want to subtract the short list from the full list - a
MINUS I thought but I can't seem to do this in Access.
Is there a way around this? or do I have to do it in my
code once I have extracted the data from Access? (I'm
using stored queries.
Thanks in advance.