Minor problems(?) with forms

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I have 2 forms with what I would call slight discrepencies. Both issues are
strictly appearance issues.

frmShipmentReport is a form that users enter parameters into 2 controls,
StartDate and EndDate. They have default values which are used the vast
majority of the time. It functions properly, but upon opening the form, the
StartDate is highlighted. Is there anything that can be done that would
eliminate this from occurring?

frmCurrentProjects has an option group where users can select a report, and
then click on View or Print command buttons. It also functions properly, but
opon opening this form, the View cammand button appears depressed, as if it's
a default setting. Properties for both command buttons appear the same. I
have the same command buttons in frmShipmentReport, and neither of them show
anything pressed, which is how I intend it to be.

Thanks for any suggestions!
My guess is that in both cases the controls you discuss are Tab Stop 0, the
first control to get focus when the form opens. Try, just as a test,
changing the tab order to see what happens.
The field is highlighted because it is the first in the Tab order. Move it
down in the Tab order and it won't be highlighted, however, the top one will
be. The way I work around this is to put an unbound textbox with a
transparent border on the form and make it the first tab stop. I shrink it
so that it appears to be just a line in design view.
Can't help you on the second problem.
Thanks for the input. Your tips helped resolve the issue. As it turns out,
adding an unbound textbox, making it invisible, and setting that to first in
the tab order works! Also, in the other form, changing the tab order so that
the option group is first in the tab order displays as if the first report is
highlighted. This is set as the default anyway so it looks just fine!
Thanks again!