Minor Gui Size Bug with IE



I've end enough with this bug. I hope somebody that can finally solve the
read this.

IE has a bug which makes it remember his size and position ONLY SOME OF THE
I have no clue what times are this. but when I open it I want it maximized
on the
entire screen. for some reason a previous window was closed when it was NOT
maximized. so this made IE remember THAT size and position and now everytime
that I open IE it doesn't open maximized on the entire screen and I have to
press on
the maximize button all the time.

it doesn't matter how many times I open it, it won't remember his size and
I'm a computer technician and studying for mcsa/mcse, is there by any chance a
registery key that can define it? or something that LOCKS it in one

Jan Il

Hi Shachar2 :)
I've end enough with this bug. I hope somebody that can finally solve
the problem
read this.

IE has a bug which makes it remember his size and position ONLY SOME
I have no clue what times are this. but when I open it I want it
on the
entire screen. for some reason a previous window was closed when it
was NOT maximized. so this made IE remember THAT size and position
and now everytime that I open IE it doesn't open maximized on the
entire screen and I have to press on
the maximize button all the time.

it doesn't matter how many times I open it, it won't remember his
size and position.
I'm a computer technician and studying for mcsa/mcse, is there by any
chance a registery key that can define it? or something that LOCKS it

Since you did not post necessary information such as the version of Windows
or IE you are using, I can only make a general suggestion. You might try the
following and see if it helps:

Resizing Windows -

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

"Close all windows EXCEPT the one that opens "minimized"; right click on
your Task Bar, either on the open space on the right or left end (your
choice); select "Tile Windows Horizontally" and IE will maximize; close IE.
Re-open IE and it will be maximized. Just showed a buddy this trick
yesterday and
works like a charm. Enjoy."

It does work like a charm, but it isn't quite a normal "maximize" just a
full screen with a border. However, it does subsequently hold that.

There's also AutoSizer, free, here: http://www.southbaypc.com/ (what I
use, BTW)

or, per PA Bear

IE New Window Maximizer


Courtesy of a Frank Saunders post:

"From: http://www.fjsmjs.com/IE/offpos.htm

Symptom: IE opens a maximized window shifted down and to the right.

Remove any 'Auto-hide' option for the taskbar and while the window is
maximized, resize the taskbar then return it to the desired size. This is to
try to make Windows re-calculate the window size and boundaries.

If no joy, run regedit and remove these registry key values:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\window_placement


Then reboot.


Coutesy of Alan Edwards -

Try stretching the small window to full size. (Do not use Maximize)
Ensure that window is the last one closed and IE should remember the
size next time.


In the last window to be closed only, pass the cursor over the right side of
the screen until you get a two ended arrow <---> (Do not use Maximize), then
hold the left mouse button down and drag the edge of the screen to the right
as far as you want it. Then do the same on all the other sides until it
fills the screen.

Use the "launch IE Browser" shortcut, you can R-click>properties>run
Maximized>apply>OK out. That works as well.


Courtesy of Robert Aldwinckle:

Do *not* to maximize the window when you want to preserve a window's normal
properties. From your description is sounds as if you may be getting
temporary persistence of a window's maximized properties. In that case a
window's normal properties would be unchanged. In order to save a window's
normal properties you have to close the window in normal mode; further, if
there are any other windows open in normal mode still open their properties
will be preserved when they close. So if you aren't making sure that
iexplore.exe is no longer an active process (e.g. using Task Manager) after
you close your modified window that could also explain your symptom even if
you are making your modifications
on a normal mode window.

Another possibility is that your user profile is not yours to change or
something equivalent is inhibiting updates. In that case check with your
Administrator (e.g. ask if a "mandatory profile" is in effect) or see if a
replacement user profile can be created.

See item 4, Testing User Profiles, in the following article for related

<title>KB281770 - How to Perform Clean-Boot Troubleshooting for Windows

or ....................

Setting Internet Explorer Window Size

Courtesy of Charlie Tame:

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:


Thanks. it's after midnight now so I've saved it and will read it tomorrow.
I'm sure
I'll find something.

as for my version, it's the latest IE which is version 6 sp1 if I'm not
Windows XP with Service Pack 2.

but I still think it wouldn't hurt them going over the code. they'll go over
it eventually
anyway, and this is just a small bug/fix. I know some basic programming, not
something being currently used so I know it's a small bug. the problem is
finding it
in such a large program.

anyway, thanks again

Jan Il

Hi Shachar2 :)
Thanks. it's after midnight now so I've saved it and will read it
tomorrow. I'm sure
I'll find something.

as for my version, it's the latest IE which is version 6 sp1 if I'm
not mistaken.
Windows XP with Service Pack 2.

but I still think it wouldn't hurt them going over the code. they'll
go over it eventually
anyway, and this is just a small bug/fix. I know some basic
programming, not something being currently used so I know it's a
small bug. the problem is finding it
in such a large program.

Yes...it is difficult to home in on, especially, when you have some machines
that have no problems, and a slew that do. All machines being a bit
different, and such, so it is a bit difficult to narrow the problem down to
one specific thing. But, with the number of problems that are happening,
not just in this newsgroup, it is hoped that a fix will be forth coming. I
just hope that with the next update they will at least provide us with some
Trail Mix. ;=))
anyway, thanks again

You're very welcome! :)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.


they don't fix bugs in security updates patches.
I was talking about the next major version which will be released sometime.
(version 7?)

Jan Il

Shachar2 said:
they don't fix bugs in security updates patches.
I was talking about the next major version which will be released
sometime. (version 7?)

Maybe...but...I would not hold my breath. There were a few issues that did
not get fixed with IE6. ;-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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