Ministers what a waste!

I know what I think> Bloody Welsh assembly members are an absolute waste of space and a disgrace to the Welsh nation! The things they do is unbelievable:mad: When first elected the first thing they did was award themselves a 30% pay increase!!!! 30 bloody %. They spent £30 million on a revamp of the assembly headquarters and then decided a new one to be erected gawd knows how much that cost???? [I did not vote for a home rule] and that was one and the main reason for voting against it knowing what would happen and I were correct.They come out with the most ludicrous rulings you can imagin, for every ten passed one may be acceptable to the nation so 90% are a downright disgrace to we the Welsh people and what next I wonder????

Rant not over yet:mad: :mad:
And as it was, so shall it ever be :)

Come on, what do you expect? Fairness?

We're Human Beings, not robots.

If there are extraterrestrial beings why do you think they don't contact us? I'll tell you why, we're still in the aemoba stage as far as they're concerned.

Funny thing, same people who deplore corruption amongst politicians are probably the same people who mock Bhuddists and Tibetan Monks.

I'm not religious but think about it.

Contradictory? Maybe.

Survival of the fittest.

Don't complain, just get elected and take your slice :)

This is the real world.
feckit said:
What does Taffycat think of it i wonder?

Taffycat didn't vote for "home rule" either... ;) Okay, so the Assembly very kindly got rid of prescription charges and earned some brownie points with some folk for that, but, there has been a tremendous amount of waste too, just as Itsme says.

In this area, the local hospital is a nightmare, because it is too small to deal efficiently with the growth of population. It's not the hospital's fault. But it's darned annoying to be told by a Consultant, that he wants to see you again (well hubby actually) within four months, when a year later, the appointment still hasn't come through. But then, we were promised a new hospital, years ago, which is finally in the process of being built... but guess why the building of it was delayed...? A prize to the person who guessed that it is because the Council decided their need for a new Council building should take precedence. And what an edifice it is, it resembles a really lovely health spa, or hotel, with marble floors, glass and gorgeous polished wood everywhere. It cost many millions of pounds.

There is also a lot of bias over the use of the Welsh language... no offence to anyone here who happens to be a Welsh speaker (I am not) I don't have a problem with people using the language where appropriate, but it's becoming a "one size fits all" situation. If we make a phonecall to the local Council or whatever, you have to listen to a greeting given in Welsh first, which on recorded messages, takes time and is a bit of a waste in a predominantly English speaking location. And please don't get me started on the bi-lingual road signs.... :wall: Yes, I know other countries have them too, but it would be nice if someone could at least make up their minds, whether to put English first, or Welsh. As things stand, it's a right muddle. I can't count how many times Terry and I have ended up circling a roundabout because we've "missed" the English bit, telling us which way to go ... sounds funny I know, but at the time it can be exhasperating.

Woops! Now I've fallen off my soapbox :lol: I'm back to "happy Taffy" again now ;)
TC. I agree 100% with what you have stated, as we could go on and on about the waste incurred by local authorities so>>> Rant nearly over…. I don’t speak Welsh either! But I can whistle in Welsh>>>>>:D

Well, here we are again. It sounds just like the setting up of the Scottish Parliament. Their building was supposed to cost £40 million but ended up as £400 million !

It seems that all these regional things simply add more layers of beaurocracy which end up costing a fortune. And then, of course, there are all the officials, some of whom are bound to screw the system for all they can get.

Are we really better off having all these peripheral bodies? Surely all the money could be better spent - on a hospital in your case, TC. And many more other essential things.

Roll on the Yorkshire Assembly. :D :p
Politics is like religion...should be locked in a lead casket..:)
feckit said:
Sadly Ian i thik TC would be better served as leader of the AM(Wales)

Nothing sad about that... T.C. for leader of the Welsh assembly! :thumb: reckon she would do a fantastic job:nod:
Thats it then, TC for Leader of Wales.
The campain started here, hope TC remembers us when in power.