Minimum/Maximum Dates in Range



In a range of selected cells, I want to find and store the minimum date in a
variable called MinDate, and the maximum date in a variable called MaxDate.
How do I do that? Thanks!

Leith Ross

In a range of selected cells, I want to find and store the minimum date in a
variable called MinDate, and the maximum date in a variable called MaxDate.
How do I do that? Thanks!

Hello Steve,

You can use the Worksheet Min and Max functions on the dates. In VBA
you can assign the results to your variables like this...

MinDate = ActiveSheet.WorksheetFunction.Min("A1:A10")
MaxDate = ActiveSheet.WorksheetFunction.Max("A1:A10")

Change the range "A1:A10" to whatever you are using. To run this
another Worksheet that isn't the ActiveSheet, replace ActiveSheet

Worksheets(<Sheet Name>).WorksheetFuntion.Min("A1:A10")
Worksheets(<Sheet Name>).WorksheetFuntion.Max("A1:A10")

Leith Ross

Dave Peterson

dim MinDate as date
dim MaxDate as date

mindate = application.min(selection)
maxdate = application.max(selection)


Fabulouso! Thank you both.
Steve C

Dave Peterson said:
dim MinDate as date
dim MaxDate as date

mindate = application.min(selection)
maxdate = application.max(selection)

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