Minimize lost space on CD/DVD?



It must exists somewhere, I'm just unable to find it...

I want to copy several big files to CDs or DVDs, but I would like to
maximize the space usage. Is there a program that could look at a
folder and tell me how to arrange the files so that I waste as little
space as possible on my media ?

Simplified example:
My discs can hold 100K, and I have the following file sizes: 15K, 23K,
25K, 27K, 34K, 44K and 52K.
The program would tell me that I can put the 15K, 23K, 27K and 34K
files on one disc (99K); the 44K and 52K files on another (96K); and
the last 25K file on a third disc.

When I try to do this manually (guessing - adding a file, removing
another, adding a different one...) it takes forever, and I always have
somewhat huge empty space left on every discs.

Ant ideas?


J Whales


JWhales said:
It must exists somewhere, I'm just unable to find it...

I want to copy several big files to CDs or DVDs, but I would like to
maximize the space usage. Is there a program that could look at a
folder and tell me how to arrange the files so that I waste as little
space as possible on my media ?

BTTB (Burn to the Brim)



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It must exists somewhere, I'm just unable to find it...

I want to copy several big files to CDs or DVDs, but I would like to
maximize the space usage. Is there a program that could look at a
folder and tell me how to arrange the files so that I waste as little
space as possible on my media ?

Simplified example:
My discs can hold 100K, and I have the following file sizes: 15K, 23K,
25K, 27K, 34K, 44K and 52K.
The program would tell me that I can put the 15K, 23K, 27K and 34K
files on one disc (99K); the 44K and 52K files on another (96K); and
the last 25K file on a third disc.

When I try to do this manually (guessing - adding a file, removing
another, adding a different one...) it takes forever, and I always have
somewhat huge empty space left on every discs.

Ant ideas?


J Whales

Don't know if it will work w/ DVD's but you can look at Burn to the
Brim at:



It must exists somewhere, I'm just unable to find it...

I want to copy several big files to CDs or DVDs, but I would like to
maximize the space usage. Is there a program that could look at a
folder and tell me how to arrange the files so that I waste as little
space as possible on my media ?

Simplified example:
My discs can hold 100K, and I have the following file sizes: 15K, 23K,
25K, 27K, 34K, 44K and 52K.
The program would tell me that I can put the 15K, 23K, 27K and 34K
files on one disc (99K); the 44K and 52K files on another (96K); and
the last 25K file on a third disc.

When I try to do this manually (guessing - adding a file, removing
another, adding a different one...) it takes forever, and I always have
somewhat huge empty space left on every discs.

Ant ideas?


J Whales

These are 3 media fillers that I've tried. Burn to the Brim is the one
I prefer. Make sure you pay attention to what the difference is
between "copy" and "move". Test thoroughly first.

Burn to the Brim

The New File Order

FillCD (no home page)


JWhales said:
I want to copy several big files to CDs or DVDs, but I would like to
maximize the space usage. Is there a program that could look at a
folder and tell me how to arrange the files so that I waste as little
space as possible on my media ?

In the past I have used FillCD and BurnToTheBrim which have been
recommended already by other posters. I recently stumbled across SizeMe
which IMHO is the best program for the job.

Been using it for a month or so now and loving it :)

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