One form, one button to process, I display a record counter as records are
processed. The process can take 2 hours.
When I press the button to process, vb code takes over reading several db
tables and outputs a text file. As each record is processed I increment a
record count that I display on the form.
When I mimimize this process (form) and go do something else on my
workstation like read my email, the screen will not come back when I try to
return via the task bar. The form will come back up when I call the msgbox
Can you give me suggestions that will make the form re-display after it has
been minimized?
Thank you.
processed. The process can take 2 hours.
When I press the button to process, vb code takes over reading several db
tables and outputs a text file. As each record is processed I increment a
record count that I display on the form.
When I mimimize this process (form) and go do something else on my
workstation like read my email, the screen will not come back when I try to
return via the task bar. The form will come back up when I call the msgbox
Can you give me suggestions that will make the form re-display after it has
been minimized?
Thank you.