minimize commmand

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im writing a BHO for IE and need to make the window minimize via code. i have
access to the IWebBrowser2 interface as well as an IOLECommandTarget
interface. I am using C#. I have tried using user32's SendMessage and passing
IWebBrowser2.hwnd, but that doesn't seem to work. If someone could tell me
the command GUID for and command ID for minimize so i could use the
iolecommandtarget.exec method that would be prefered. thanks in advance
Hi James,

Use the ShowWindow api

Declare function ShowWindow lib "user32" (byval hwnd as long, byval nCmdShow
as long)as long

You may have problems with tabbed msie's such as the msn toolbar with tabbed
browsing as each tab is actually a separate IE process with its own window
handle which may not correspond to that of your BHO's hook.

Good luck, you'll learn lots about the beast that is IE.
thanks rob worked like a charm

Rob ^_^ said:
Hi James,

Use the ShowWindow api

Declare function ShowWindow lib "user32" (byval hwnd as long, byval nCmdShow
as long)as long

You may have problems with tabbed msie's such as the msn toolbar with tabbed
browsing as each tab is actually a separate IE process with its own window
handle which may not correspond to that of your BHO's hook.

Good luck, you'll learn lots about the beast that is IE.