Minimize a Message is SLOW to Restore - Outlook 2003

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New Windows XP - New Office 2003 instalation - .pst file on local

OK, heres the sceneario:

1. I have Outlook open.

2. I open a message in a new window by double clicking on the message.

3. I minimize that message window to the taskbar.

4. When I then click that message's taskbar button one time, it either
takes about 10 seconds to maximize, or it will not maximize at all
until I click on it a second time - and then it still takes another 10
seconds for that window to restore.

5. Then, when the message does finally restore to a maximized window, I
have the same problem if I then click on the main Outlook taskbar

The funny thing is, is that if I ALT-TAB instead of clicking the
taskbar buttons, it works just fine.

It doesn't make any difference if I have Outlook's "Hide when
Minimized" option enabled or disabled.

No other programs on my computer have this minimize/maximize problem.
It was the Nvidia desktop software that was interfering with Outlook
2003. I had been using Outlook 2002 with the Nvidia software running
with no adverse effects.