I no longer have the Minimal Power settings option available. I only have 4:
Home/Office, Portable/Laptop, Always On, Presentation. Any idea how to
restore my full compliment of Power Settings?
OS: Windows XP Professional SP2 (32-bit)
Office Suite: Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP3
Motherboard: Asus Crosshair (BIOS Revision: 1103)
CPU: AMD Phenom X4 Quad Core 9850 Black Edition
RAM: 4Gb (2x2GB) Corsair Twin2x 4096-6400C5DHX
GPU: Asus ENGTX280 nVidia 280
HDD: 2.50TB (Over 5 SATAII Western Digital HDD's)
I no longer have the Minimal Power settings option available. I only have 4:
Home/Office, Portable/Laptop, Always On, Presentation. Any idea how to
restore my full compliment of Power Settings?

OS: Windows XP Professional SP2 (32-bit)
Office Suite: Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP3
Motherboard: Asus Crosshair (BIOS Revision: 1103)
CPU: AMD Phenom X4 Quad Core 9850 Black Edition
RAM: 4Gb (2x2GB) Corsair Twin2x 4096-6400C5DHX
GPU: Asus ENGTX280 nVidia 280
HDD: 2.50TB (Over 5 SATAII Western Digital HDD's)