marie said:
my computer shuts down on its own and after it restarts i
get this message: c?\windows\minidum\minidump110803-03.dmp
what's up with that?
It means that your computer has experienced a "system failure" class
error and has automatically rebooted itself as a result of this error.
It has also produced a memory dump file containing some basic
information that may be relevant to a system programmer or to
Microsoft for diagnosing this problem.
To see the information about this particular error right-click on "My
Computer" and select Manager.
Expand the Even Viewer category and browse through each of the 3
sub-categories looking for red-flagged error records whose date and
time corresponds to your shut down and restart incidents.
Double-click on an error record to see the details of that error.
To stop the computer from rebooting itself open Control Panel - System
- Advanced and click on the Settings button in the Startup and
Recovery (bottom) section.
In the Startup and Recovery window click on the checkbox for
"Automatically restart" so as to clear it. You can also change the
memory dump option to "None" if you prefer.
This will put an end to the automatic shut downs and restarts.
However they will probably be replaced by Blue Screen Of Death STOP
error messages and the computer may then lock up, requiring a manual
power off and restart. However the contents of the STOP error
messages will be a direct clue as to the underlying cause of the
Post the contents of the STOP error message(s), including all of the
parameters, back here if you need further advice or assistance with
Good luck
Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service
"The reason computer chips are so small is computers don't eat much."