Here's the source:
and here's a cut and paste from the source:
Attackers may be able to use malicious scripts to infect cookies
with copies of themselves. If the infected cookie is sent back
to a vulnerable web site and passed back to your browser, the
malicious script may start running again. Note: This is not a
vulnerability in web cookies; rather, a malicious script takes
advantage of the functionality of cookies.
Hmmm. A cookies.txt file "infected". Who says scanning text
files is dumb
What do they mean by "vulnerable" web site? Vulnerable to
what exactly?
What kind of script? Javascript? VBS? Java? .BAT? Passed
back to what in the browser? A javascript interpreter? Java
interpreter? How, if it's in the form of a cookie, does it get
interpreted in that way? How would the OS get a chance
to run it if the script is VBS or BAT?
What exactly is malicious javascript? Or malicious Java? There
are sometimes unpatched vulnerabilities in these, but otherwise
what is the potential extent of damage or intrusiveness attainable
by the black hats via these scripts on a web site? Certainly root
access can't be attained short of a unpatched vulnerabilty?
I'm so confused by this, I'm not even going to ask if this might
be a "cookie virus" capable of spreading to various PCs on the
internet. Next thing you know, arguments will break out over
whether or not it's actually a worm, hybrid worm/virus, or
just a Trojan
and here's a cut and paste from the source:
Attackers may be able to use malicious scripts to infect cookies
with copies of themselves. If the infected cookie is sent back
to a vulnerable web site and passed back to your browser, the
malicious script may start running again. Note: This is not a
vulnerability in web cookies; rather, a malicious script takes
advantage of the functionality of cookies.
Hmmm. A cookies.txt file "infected". Who says scanning text
files is dumb
What do they mean by "vulnerable" web site? Vulnerable to
what exactly?
What kind of script? Javascript? VBS? Java? .BAT? Passed
back to what in the browser? A javascript interpreter? Java
interpreter? How, if it's in the form of a cookie, does it get
interpreted in that way? How would the OS get a chance
to run it if the script is VBS or BAT?
What exactly is malicious javascript? Or malicious Java? There
are sometimes unpatched vulnerabilities in these, but otherwise
what is the potential extent of damage or intrusiveness attainable
by the black hats via these scripts on a web site? Certainly root
access can't be attained short of a unpatched vulnerabilty?
I'm so confused by this, I'm not even going to ask if this might
be a "cookie virus" capable of spreading to various PCs on the
internet. Next thing you know, arguments will break out over
whether or not it's actually a worm, hybrid worm/virus, or
just a Trojan