Milo: Is there a way to import bookmarks from Firefox?

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I use Firefox for somethings and IE for others (too long to explain why).

Is there any way to import the bookmarks file from Firefox so I can keep my
favorites in sync?

Milo-in-San-Diego said:
I use Firefox for somethings and IE for others (too long to explain why).
Is there any way to import the bookmarks file from Firefox so I can keep my
favorites in sync?

In IE, File > Import and Export, then select Import favorites. Back up
your favorites first in case you don't like the results. If you're going
to continue to use both programs, consider getting the PlainOldFavorites
extension for Firefox. It enables Firefox to share your IE favorites, so
no synchronization is necessary.
Gary Smith said:
In IE, File > Import and Export, then select Import favorites. Back up
your favorites first in case you don't like the results. If you're going
to continue to use both programs, consider getting the PlainOldFavorites
extension for Firefox. It enables Firefox to share your IE favorites, so
no synchronization is necessary.
Gary, that worked great. I had tried it before without luck, but I have a
feeling I was missing the "L" in .html.

I like your idea about PlainOldFavorites, though.

Can you explain how to get that and implement it? It would be nice to have
it all in one place! What's more, if that place could be in "My Documents",
that would be best because then it would get backed up automatically when I
back up that huge file every week.
If you're going to continue to use both programs, consider getting
the PlainOldFavorites extension for Firefox. It enables Firefox to share
your IE favorites, so no synchronization is necessary.


That sounds like it could be just the information the poster here
could use:

<TITLE id="pageTitle">IE bookmarks convert to firefox automatically in Internet Explorer 6 General</TITLE>

Please consider updating that thread too. Since I don't use Firefox
I was only able to reply how I would go about diagnosing how it implements
Favorites or what to do if in fact they somehow shared the same file extension
(e.g. *.URL).


Robert Aldwinckle
To get PlainOld Favorites for Firefox, go (using Forefox) to the Firefox
add-ons page at and search
there for "plainoldfavorites", or go directly to
and click the "Install Now" button. Once the extension is installed and
you've restarted Firefox, you'll have both "Bookmarks" and "Favorites" on
your menu bar. The new Favorites function uses exactly the same files and
folders that IE does, so any change you make in one browser is visible in

It's possible to hide the Bookmarks menu entry if you don't intend to use
it at all.

Milo-in-San-Diego said:
Gary, that worked great. I had tried it before without luck, but I have a
feeling I was missing the "L" in .html.
I like your idea about PlainOldFavorites, though.
I've loaded this and I see the Bookmarks and the Favorites. So if I'm
understanding this, I stop using Bookmarks and start using Favorites instead?

The only down side of this that I see is that Favorites seems to be much
less flexible. I can move items around on Bookmarks but Favorites doesn't
seem to allow that...I get the circle with the line through it if I try. Is
there a fix for this? I use my bookmarks so much, I'd hate to go back to
having to use "Organize Favorites" every time I wanted to organize my list.

Thanks again!
Funny ... I thought when I read your post that Favorites had probably
been made "read-only" from Firefox. But when I tried it I don't seem to
have any problem moving, creating renaming etc.
You're right, Favorites in IE isn't as flexible. You can sort the entries
by name as you can in IE, but the Firefox add-in doesn't have the drag-and
drop feature for making customized arrangements. If you use Firefox most
of the time and IE only occasionally, this may not be the best choice for
you. I'd look at the various bookmark synchronizers that are out there.
Perhpas one will suit you better.

Another approach, if you mostly use Firefox, is to do all bookmark
maintence there and set up a favorite in IE to point to Firefox's
bookmarks.html. IE will open it as a local web page with an active link
for each Firefox bookmark.

Milo-in-San-Diego said:
I've loaded this and I see the Bookmarks and the Favorites. So if I'm
understanding this, I stop using Bookmarks and start using Favorites instead?
The only down side of this that I see is that Favorites seems to be much
less flexible. I can move items around on Bookmarks but Favorites doesn't
seem to allow that...I get the circle with the line through it if I try. Is
there a fix for this? I use my bookmarks so much, I'd hate to go back to
having to use "Organize Favorites" every time I wanted to organize my list.