could you please give me few information about migration from delphi
applications to visual studio. net?
Tehre's a really good, free tutorial "CSharp for Delphi Developers" -
check it out at
Other than that - programming .NET with the framework is really not
that much different from programming with Delphi and the VCL - you use
classes and their methods.
The .NET base class library (BCL) is quite huge, and that might be the
problem - you'll need to get an overview. There are TONS of books and
articles and websites - not much that I know of that cater
specifically for the ex-Delphite, but again - you should really feel
right at home with the .NET BCL, coming from Delphi/VCL.
Marc Scheuner May The Source Be With You!
Berne, Switzerland m.scheuner -at-