I have a VB6 project that I have been converting to .NET. I have most of it
working, but I am having trouble with one of the Functions and a stucture
that is being passed to it.
Here's the VB6 function:
Declare Function KGI_NextElement Lib "wkgi32.dll" (ByVal hSession As Long,
ByVal wFlags As Integer, pElmHdr As KGI_ELEMENT) As Integer
Here's the VB6 Type:
elm_flags As Long 'Flags
elm_PageNumber As Long 'Page Number
elm_xPos As Long 'X position
elm_yPos As Long 'Y Position
elm_Width As Long 'Width
elm_Depth As Long 'Depth
elm_xRes As Long 'X Resolution
elm_yRes As Long 'Y Resolution
elm_Rotation As Long 'Rotation
elm_Offset As Long 'Offset
elm_Length As Long 'Length
elm_TypeMask As Integer 'Mask for Element Type
'New fields in 32-bit
elm_Title As String * TITLE_SIZE 'Document Title
elm_Person As String * PERSON_SIZE 'Person
elm_Date As String * DATE_SIZE 'Creation Date
elm_Time As String * TIME_SIZE 'Creation Time
elm_Type As String * DATATYPE_SIZE 'Type
elm_Icon As String * ICON_SIZE 'Icon Name
elm_Description As String * DESCRIPT_SIZE 'Element description
End Type ' End of KGI_ELEMENT structure
Any help or suggestions on the proper way to convert this would be greatly
appreciated. I have tried several interations and can't seem to get it to
working, but I am having trouble with one of the Functions and a stucture
that is being passed to it.
Here's the VB6 function:
Declare Function KGI_NextElement Lib "wkgi32.dll" (ByVal hSession As Long,
ByVal wFlags As Integer, pElmHdr As KGI_ELEMENT) As Integer
Here's the VB6 Type:
elm_flags As Long 'Flags
elm_PageNumber As Long 'Page Number
elm_xPos As Long 'X position
elm_yPos As Long 'Y Position
elm_Width As Long 'Width
elm_Depth As Long 'Depth
elm_xRes As Long 'X Resolution
elm_yRes As Long 'Y Resolution
elm_Rotation As Long 'Rotation
elm_Offset As Long 'Offset
elm_Length As Long 'Length
elm_TypeMask As Integer 'Mask for Element Type
'New fields in 32-bit
elm_Title As String * TITLE_SIZE 'Document Title
elm_Person As String * PERSON_SIZE 'Person
elm_Date As String * DATE_SIZE 'Creation Date
elm_Time As String * TIME_SIZE 'Creation Time
elm_Type As String * DATATYPE_SIZE 'Type
elm_Icon As String * ICON_SIZE 'Icon Name
elm_Description As String * DESCRIPT_SIZE 'Element description
End Type ' End of KGI_ELEMENT structure
Any help or suggestions on the proper way to convert this would be greatly
appreciated. I have tried several interations and can't seem to get it to