Migrating to New Computer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve R
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Steve R

I am currently running Access 2000 on a Win XP/SP3 machine and will soon
migrate to Access 2007on a new Windows 7 machine. My database in is a folder
named Access on my D: drive. The new system will have only one partition,
C:. Several tables in the database are linked to Excel 2000 files also
located on the D: drive in a folder named Excel.

What are the specific steps required to transfer the Access and Excel files
so that when I attempt to import the Access 2000 database into Access 2007,
the links with the Excel files are retained?



Since the data won't be in the same location, you'll need to let Access know
where to find it.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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In Access 2007:
Go to the Database Tools tab.

Open up Linked Table Manager. (You might get a security warning - ignore it)

When the Linked Table Manager window opens, ckeck the Always Prompt For New
Location box towards the bottom. Click on the Select All button. Next click
on the OK button.

Then find the files that you want to link.